
Trump’s pose vs. Obama’s pose

Giving the Sieg Heil during a photo shoot? Boys being boys!

Running naked for fun that doesn’t harm anyone? SUSPENDED

Is there anything about him that isn’t disrespectful?

I thought the same thing. “Great funeral guys, can’t wait to show off how I redecorated your former house.”

“Warm condolences” he said about some other funeral, I can’t even remember which one but I think it was a tragic death of a serviceman or something.

Also, the fat turd took a limo and a motorcade to cross the street and greet Bush Jr

That was my first thought too.  They are in town to mourn their father, not to catch up and hang out. 

Literally everyone hates him.

I thought the same thing. He made a former president’s death be about Melania’s holiday decorating. But you know, it’s not like 45 loves his family members, so he knows nothing of heartache or sorrow, and certainly does not have the emotional intelligence to provide solace. “Here’s some pointy red trees. There, there,

Everything is about him. Everything. Even someone else’s funeral is cause to bask in his own magnificence. 

How much you want to bet someone in the Bush family spits in Trump’s food a farts into his pillow?

How do you keep a Baptist from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip?

She's a terrible patient, but doing well, thanks.

“ a few weeks”

i have been too lazy to eat a grilled cheese with a bloody mary like i’ve been wanting to; but damn grilled cheese dipped in Worcestershire sounds good.

Aww thank you so much Maya!! <3


CBD treats for the dogs look like they’re helping. Copious amounts of the legal weed my husbeast grows- yeah! The grow room did NOT get damaged- one light broke is all- is certainly helping us humans.

I Was doing stuff and acting rationally but im sure my voice on the phone sounded pretty hysterical.

I am not ashamed to say I was pretty nuts when this happened- mostly cause I was worried about the dogs. We were partially prepared, many discussions have ensued since to shore up our preparedness for future events.