
If you go into account settings you should have the option to connect it now to a social media or email account.

I am happy when I can login lol.

I have this terrible crush on a coworker. He doesn’t want to date but we’re hanging out a lot, and New Best Friend Time way better than sitting at home alone.

yes, mine too

His horrible reasons are his alone. No one cares.

Yes. When I click "show all notifications", it sometimes sorts itself out.

Has anyone had a D&C to remove a uterine polyp. I'm being a huge coward and I need reassurance that it's nbd. 

Thanks for the tip! It’s not so much that I can’t see the text, its that they don’t function as links to take me to the reply/star in question.

I usually end up binging a light/comedy show I like and just finding stuff to keep me busy.

Yeah me too. 

I’m also seeing this in my notifications.

It’s been doing that to me for a couple days, but if you click ‘view all notifications’ or whatever that is labeled, you can see the text.

Yeah, the site has been buggy with that for the last few days or so. Why is it that Kinja can’t get a decent software team to actually code the thing and each iteration is even more fucked.

Do you have some kind of company service through either your mobile service provider or the phone manufacturer that saves your phone data? And/Or, have your google account save your passwords that sync across devices?

A lil update for anyone who’s interested:

It’s been a year and a half since the former Mr. Chocobo and I split. I was super depressed and angry ,but I’m much better now. There’s no question of us getting back together but Mr. C and I are friends again. I went back to the city I used to live in to visit my parents and

You *are* a badass.

Good evening everyone. Love this community. Smart, bright and compassionate people. I’m really grateful for all of you.

Thank you. I really hope things improve 100 percent for you too.

God, that was nice of you to say. I don't feel like a bad ass. I feel like a huge failure. I will take all the hugs I can get.

I thought I’d post this here as Jez hasn’t covered this story (which is rather surprising).