
That was a 7 and now the specter of a 9 haunts my nightmares.

Yay! I haven’t commented, but I have been reading about your struggles to try and get a sitter. I’m very happy for you.

These after shocks can go fuck themselves. 

Hurrah for family festivities! 

I was still busy cleaning up kerosene that shattered out of emergency lamps on Saturday night to remember to post.

Getting keys this week.

Hi everyone!  I know it’s late but I wanted to stick this out into the interwebs because I’m finally allowing myself to feel excited.  After 3 miscarriages, I think this pregnancy is sticking.  I’m feeling more “pregnant” than I did any of the past pregnancies, and I’m further along than any of the rest have been. 

Yay! I'm so glad you were able to get someone to watch your kitty! You will have an amazing Xmas! 

Congratulations, Maya! Loving internet hugs to you.

PatsyBelle approves.

That’s so great to hear. Depression sucks-I went through it years ago, before the dawn of the internet and it was the most awful isolating thing. Like “i’m the only one,there’s nobody as weird, fubar, exhausted and guilty as me” type stuff, and it was hard to even figure out what was wrong.
I am so so glad to learn

A small little story from my childhood: I was about 4-5y.o. and had just had another surgery and my legs and feet were covered in casts. My hippie/biker dad was carrying me through a store, and some lady was glaring at him like he was a MONSTER. He calmly looked back and her and said, “Yeah, I broke her f*cking legs”

That's wonderful news! I'm very happy for you Maya.

So earlier this week I was followed by Jezebel and now seem to be in the black. I wasn’t expecting that at all, I feel like I don’t comment terribly frequently but I’m oddly happy about it.

I am SO HAPPY for you!Yay!

My dad is home from hospital and doing really well. He’s speaking up when he’s in pain or uncomfortable, he’s asking for help when he needs it, and he’s not pushing his limits unnecessarily. For a country bloke that once cut his finger off then drove himself 40+ minutes to the hospital, this is a huge deal. Also, he’d

Maya I’m so happy for you! I hope you have a lovely Christmas with your family!

I’m so pleased for you honey. You deserve an amazing break!! ❤❤❤

pet thread! say hi to Moses, the christmas tort.

Is anyone else’s pet already in the holiday spirit? Vader sure is.