
So it’s official-official now. Open-heart surgery is the 11th. There was a chance I could have a cath procedure instead but it’s not going to work out (we’d have to push it back 3-6 months and then there’s still a chance I wouldn’t qualify)

Oh such good news! Thank youo for updating us! YOU are amazing!!!

So glad you will be able to spend time with your family! I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing holiday.

Frustration. My husband just got a notice from the state that he owes 1,600 dollars for medicaid overpayment from 2015. He had medicaid briefly in 2015 but got a job and let the benefits lapse (or so he thought). While on medicaid, he was required to report income frequently in order to keep it, so I guess he thought

As a mother of a child in the spectrum, I say “yes!” To your post and an “I love you” to you. Fuck 'em.

Shelter Cat Update!

I’m all for tea but if you tea is the sort of blend that is so bitter it needs milk to be palatable, it is not good tea. But a nice earl or lady Gray, that will do fine for me.

I cannot speak for the ease with which to find Yorkshire tea down south, but here in Canada it is handily available and I enjoy it most days at 4pm. Additionally, I’ve found a vendor who likes to ply me with gingersnap-type cookies, so that’s another level of awesome.

For some of us, the favourite tea is ‘no tea at all, thanks. No coffee either. Just drink room temperature drinks like a nice Robinson’s apple and pear squash as Goddess intended.’

yorkshire gold*

If you are an adult there are ZERO excuses for making fun of a child, grow the fuck up. You probably enjoy videos of police tasering 8 year olds.

Maybe be an adult and don’t make fun of fucking children.

Since my response to the other article was “fuck off” I guess to this one I say: Fuck on

What in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

Yorkshire is good, but I’m a Taylor’s Scottish Breakfast tea man. 

(it was a joke. /sadface)

New Yorker here—please come save us from terrible American tea! I lived in England long enough to learn the pure joy of a proper cuppa, and American tea sucks.

I have a personal preference for Twinings’ English Breakfast.

Also the fact someone can complain about tea being “bitter” when they say coffee is a superior drink...

Counterpoint: Taking a break each afternoon for a quality English tea with sweets and savories is awesome.