
It feels like someone you loved dearly has died, and their slightly petty, erratically cruel but sometimes nostalgic ghost is haunting you, mostly through random texts and social media.

Trump says if “my name weren’t Trump, if it were John Smith, they would say I’m the greatest president in history and I blow Ronald Reagan away.”

Thank you, my gateway was definitely my wife and daughters along with the Jezebel community. It’s not that I didn’t care about women before that, I just didn’t know how much I didn’t know.

They need a better evacuation plan. 

Maya, I’m in the greys here and not sure if you’ll see this comment, so my first one will be short. I don’t have much advice for your dilemma. But I’m a former veterinary nurse and shelter worker, and cat expert. I think what you are doing is absolutely the right thing. Sometimes fate steps in, and for good reason. I

I’ll echo SeungriVVIP’s offer Maya - I would be more than happy to send you that amount (or go halves with SeungriVVIP if that would make you more comfortable). I’ve been following your story, and really want you to be able to see your family this holiday. 

If Google conversion is right, £32 is about $42 USD. I will PayPal or Venmo you that in a heartbeat. Seriously, no caveats or anything. Let me know. 

I understand but at the same time, if you change your mind please let me know. That amount of money would absolutely not be a problem at all for me to send, and just because some others are worse off does not mean you aren’t allowed to have anything :) I won’t force the issue but the offer remains open should you chang

I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how much would it be? Because I get paid tomorrow and I’d like you to see your family for Christmas if I can. 

Not from this weekend, but I got a remote control car for 66 cents with my employee discount and a coupon.

Yesterday, I got away from my mom for awhile and went and had a pedicure then had lunch by myself while I read and it was fucking bliss.

I didn’t realize your trip was so short, I concur with those who say the kitty can be left with plenty of food and water. Put it in several locations, extra litter box, maybe an extra cover over your bed. He will really be okay! Cats sleep most of the day & night, he won’t notice it’s different than you leaving for

I know Ollie’s a boy, but he reminds me of Dame Judi Dench. It’s his eyes, I think. 

Fred says hello. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Fluffball! What a cutie!

Questions about animal ethics: if there is a neighborhood stray cat that some strangers feed daily, is it okay to take the cat in your house? Make it YOUR cat? Especially when it’s cold and wet? What is your obligation afterwards? Check for microchip and put up FOUND posters? Or nah?

I had to say goodbye to one of my precious pups on Monday. She was sweet, funny, bold, and lovable. Everything a dog should be. I have a corgi shaped hole in my heart.

Yup, code has been changed.  

This is too funny! Gaslight the fuck out of her for kicks! Deny, deny, deny! 

I got a new job! I start next month. I’m a little worried about the future because it’s a startup, but it seems like it's gonna be an interesting experience. And unless the weather is terrible, I can walk there! Woooot