
If Trump gets forced out of office and everyone around him becomes pariah, my hope is that news outlets give her every opportunity to become the designated Trump-basher. Let Conway forever more be the guiding light to the rock bottom that doesn’t exist in this insane world.

I don’t use twitter as often as I used to. I was on it yesterday for the playoffs and their tweets were all over my timeline and I couldn’t for the life of me remember why I followed in the first place. I had a vague recollection that they gave awards for meme and maybe that was why. Anyways, I promptly unfollowed


Me and Thibs were talking about it. I was like, “why you let D’Antoni off the hook like that??”

No. It’s no surprise when I’m not aware or in denial about certain aspects of myself. Ashamed that if there is ever a sex tape with Shaq in it I will be there with alarming speed.

Didn’t realize I was a deviant until I saw the still of Victoria sitting on his shoulders and the thought that immediately crossed my mind. I’m ashamed of myself. Kind of sort of.

I bought this dvd years ago. Don’t know why. Don’t remember from where. Never finished the movie. All I remember is this scene where Keitel asks Fawcett to sleep with him and she says no. The phrase he responded with was something like: “That’s penilely punitive.” That’s when I finally asked myself what the hell am I

Revenge is the first one I saw as a kid. Loved that movie then but when I recently rewatched it I loved it even more. Good deep down belly laughs. I didn’t know about Shot in the Dark and look forward to checking it out. Thank you!

First of all, Russell Westbrook is an outstanding basketball player. I’m not a big fan of his overall but I recognize the talent and I do enjoy his ferocity and general gives no fucks.

I love love love the NBA! So heartwarming. He was able to keep doing something he loved and finally got this payoff. He had the support of his family through it all.

I got the game awhile back in a humble bundle and just happened to finally give it a try last weekend. I did play the learning scenario but it was still hard as fuck to figure out what was going on. Spent the better parts of Saturday and Sunday tooling around. It was disconcerting when my vassals kept making alliances

You are not alone my friend.

I saw the movie two nights ago and it’s interesting to now see that most of the writing about the movie focuses on the pop culture references. While the references were fun, for me it was a glimpse into the possible future for my 9 year old daughter and 12 year old sister. They’re both into Roblox and minecraft and

Admittedly I haven’t seen a lot of thunder games but from what I’ve seen, he’s been reduced to a stand and receive the pass-then swing the ball around low to face the basket-then bring it back up high-then maybe jab step-before firing a brick specialist.

Can he be barred from entering tournaments for being a poon hound? Because if not, he might as well just be all the way honest about the shit he’s into. Unless of course the shit he’s into is a felony

Your username is brilliant. Kudos to you.

If there is such a thing as a basketball curse than this one is quite a doozy. OKC had 3 mvp-level players on their team at the same time and could only hang on to the least talented of the 3. They’ll have to watch in despair as another more talented player than westbrook leaves their team this offseason. If they

Whenever I watch them play I only ever see Melo throwing bricks. So I avoid watching them play which no doubt has allowed Melo to climb all the way to fourth worst. You’re welcome OKC

Is Kevin getting laid enough? Does he regret signing with Golden State? Why is he so damn angry?

My initial thought is to post these letters and the names of the senders online in order to pubicly shame them. But the facebook group refering to him as the first victim does give me pause. I had heard somewhere that Cruz was a victim of bullying and there is that man serving time in Syracuse I think because he was