This is genuinely terrifying. If rats that large actually lived in the city, people would not move to the city
This is genuinely terrifying. If rats that large actually lived in the city, people would not move to the city
My assumption is that the lawyer suggested the lawsuit in the first place. I’m sure he knows it has no chance but he also knows that the NFL can’t afford to be associated with turning men into psychopaths. For sure that guy is going to bring up Ray Caruth and every suicide and paint a very ugly picture. The NFL will…
Is this possibly a signal that for some powerful people, Trump has become more trouble than he’s worth?
I’d like to see the venn diagram of who they think is going to cough more money for yet another subscription. Especially considering they made it streaming only but not releasing the episodes all at once
In exchange for keepin his job, I would love to have this guy on tv answering questions from someone like Ta-Nehisi Coates. Starting with something like, “Why do you care so much about how stands for the anthem?” “Do you think it’s possible to not stand for the anthem and still love this country?” “Do you think people…
I think we find ourselves in a situation where the relatively sane are arguing with the relatively insane under the assumption that reasoning with insane people will bear fruit.
I’m stunned that this is happening on a fox network. God bless Shannon. I must confess that when I heard there protests all around the NFL I thought to myself it’s about goddamn time. Didn’t give much more thought to it. Shannon is spot on. If I were to try and answer Shannon’s question, I can only guess that for many…
The people who booed during the anthem without any sense of the what point do reasonable people stop engaging with them? In my experience, when you try to reason with a crazy person, all you do is validate their craziness. The very fact that you are trying to explain that they are wrong makes them think…
I watched the first season last week and yes it was incredibly chilling. So much so that I thought someone else did the laugh and they just edited to seem like it was him. It was so out of left field and creepy.
Slow drivers in the left lane are rage-inducing. I don’t know if that was the case here. I won’t watch the video of that poor lady getting beat. The two women who assaulted her may well be unhinged but I sometimes wonder if I could become that enraged under the right circumstances. Heat and humidity are a nice…
You have the right of it. The existence of 24/7 news channels with an unquenchable thirst for new content has resulted in a cancerous codependency with a president who gladly serves up all the dumbfuckery they could possibly hope for. And we are all too easily distracted. Hell isn’t an abstract concept. It’s our…
Yes goddamit yes! If they weren’t violent. If they didn’t pose an imminent threat then go arrest someone else in the meantime.
I had never considered this before. It’s a very very good point. Thank you.
I’ve often wondered if piracy has the impact that the record and movie industry says it does. People only have so much money. If they download a movie instead of buying the dvd, chances are they weren’t going to buy the dvd anyway. Same goes for an album. Where I would expect it to have more of an impact is on movie…
Nope. It’s actually quite brilliant. Nobody watches football to see QBs suck at their job. One might say, well why I is Tom Brady so good? I say who gives a shit why he’s so good? He can’t play for every team and Bill Belichick can coach for every team.
Yes, yes and hell yes
Even in this statement he’s full of shit. It would have been more honest if he had said you have a responsibility to appear as if you’re trying to carry out what you said in the campaign. They really have no responsibility to carry out anything as long as they can blame Obama or a Clinton for all the country’s ills
Oh and one other thing. Ben Grimm dealing with and coming to terms with becoming the Thing, and Reed Richard’s guilt over it are worthy of a movie it’s own. First Class touched on this with Beast to great effect.
I like this idea a lot. If they do a remake, I hope they pay as much attention to the tone of the movie as any thing else. I loved how First Class was a bit of a departure from the super hero movie format. The look and feel of it being in the sixties. The focus on the relationship between professor x and magneto.
Everything you say is true but still I wonder, is this one of those cases where just because you *can* do something doesn’t mean you *should* do something. Whenever something regarding piracy or intellectual property comes up I always wonder if this hypothetical customer exists. The one that was going to buy odyssey…