
“Insurrection was where Star Trek movies fell off a cliff. Nemesis was just the puff of dust at the bottom.”

I wonder how he and whiteside get along.

I like Ryan Reynolds and I didn’t think Green Lantern was bad at all. I do think he was a poor choice for the role or at the very least, his shtick didn’t fit the character. I wasn’t aware Armie Hammer had box office clout but he wouldn’t be a bad choice. If any of those other guys got the role I’d be highly skeptical

I’m willing to allow for the possibility that someone may be aware of a stereotype but be ignorant of how it can be offensive to the people that stereotype is about. I’m also willing to allow for the possibility that someone is making a calculated bet that the attention generated by something like that will be a net

Hardest smash in history was ho hum but that other highlight you linked to? That was pure gold.

One of the potential benefits of CGI (and I hope and think they will do this) is that as the technology gets better, they can always rerender those scenes. It’s really hard to get natural looking speech but it’s only a matter of time. This is the best I’ve seen to date. The best reason for doing it is that each time

Tactically this is a blunder. Gained nothing and made her sympathetic to some.

This is just a comment on the title of the article: Yes. Yes it was.

What happens under that scenario? Thief presses charges? Claims they weren’t trying to steal the package?

I can’t believe there’s an international congress on this and that there has already been 2 of them. This is amazing. This must mean there’s a university with a robotics program specializing in sex robots. Amazing.

You’re right to be concerned about that sort of thing but the ninja school is so minor compared to the squad going on missions. They only need the school to establish team 7, introduce kakashi, and the rivalry between sasuke and naruto. If they do the whole bell scene you’ve got a third of a movie right there. Zabuza

This could work well as first movie. There’s very little chance this adaptation will be satisfactory to existing fans. The best they can hope for is to do a good enough job of capturing new fans to justify making another movie. If they can make it to sasuke leaving the village which I guess would be the end of second

I’m horrified to discover that if evolution had gone differently I’d have an actual bone in my penis

I got as far as Josh Marshall when I realized I was reading a rant about other people ranting.

I’d grade it B. Would’ve been A, however, he mentions the kid wiping the soles of his feet as a means to make an excuse for his performance. That may very well be true, however the other player in blue without the ball does this repeatedly in the background. This raises a reasonable doubt. Gotta keep your captions

This shit is still confusing

How old are the people you know? For someone like me who loved the original cartoon as a boy, these Michael Bay movies fail to capture what made the original so great. For people like me, Transformers Prime was a much better investment of time. As for why they’re so successful? Kids probably. Transforming robots will

If citizen was willing to pay that kind of money, I wonder if Pebble tried at all to arrange for a buyer that would honor warranties and continue to support legacy products. 270 million is a chunk of change

I agree with this sentiment. It pleases me that in a majority of comments people are talking about systems. The EC is one of many bad systems exerting control over our lives. The last thing we need is opening the door to making an already bad system even worse. Faith in our democracy has been weakened enough as it is.

It is important enough that 29 states made it law: