
You’re not wrong - I do remember the old Jez. I also think there’s a generational element to the newer Jez, the lazy, over-reactionary commenters that just cheapen what we’re supposed to believe in. I’ve presently got people yelling at me because they don’t think $86K a year is enough to manage a home, or because they

Well, I never raped a teenager and then dragged her through a year of shit over it.
So I got that going for me at least.

Sounds like you have your own rape-apologist version of events

You don’t need mine

It’s an awful thing to happen to someone that young.

I have just known too many rapists in my life to feel bad for anything that happens to an unrepentant one.

This right here. Growing up without your dad is hard (said the Voice of Experience). The girls will struggle, and my sympathy goes towards them.

That was my first feeling, too. It’s all I ever thought about when hearing his name. I imagine I’ll have the same cold feeling when Ben Roethlisberger eventually dies.

Horrible for his kids, but I find it very hard to summon sympathy for this rapist son-of-a-bitch


Hi Maya! Here’s hoping all’s well (I have nothing to report, just working away--but sending good vibes).

Thanks Miss Maya! On Instagram today I saw a meme using "Meghan Markle" as a verb, meaning to leave a crappy situation where you feel unsupported and move to a better one, mentally, physically, or both. And I was, like, that's me! I'm Meghan Markling and getting the heck away from my destructive, awful family members

So, I did a crazy cool thing this week: I recorded a radio commercial for my work! This ad will be played to an audience of approx 25,000 people per week. Ahhhh!! So cool!

I paid off my mortgage yesterday! It took me 18 years, but it was 7 years early on a 25 year mortgage.

I’m in a bit of a funk over the impeachment trial.

Hey everyone! It rained hard and sleeted all day here, I got soaked every time I stepped outside today. I’m genuinely so sick of cold winter weather. The year round spring weather of Boquete is calling me calling me calling me. And I have tons of stuff to do before I get there. Just getting the kitties ready for

Thank you, Maya! I hope you are well.

I fell head first down some stairs in the subway back in october and finely had surgery for a badly torn meniscus last friday. It’s been a slog- I havent been able to bend my knee since I fell, so getting around has been a challenge. The exercises to get it bending again are no fun either- I have to bend it to the

My adoption update: Minerva the old cat and Domino the young cat are starting to interact more. There is chasing, swatting, and moments of detente. There is also some playing going on. Here is a shot just an hour ago.  Shortly there after Domino the young swatted Minerva, and a chase ensued.  

Wednesday was my birthday. Everybody had to work, so I spent the evening at play rehearsal instead. Duckling took me out for Tex-Mex yesterday, and I had pub food with Mr. Duck today, so I was celebrated.

Anybody want to start doing a fashion thread? I know that there’s a usual cooking thread as well as shelter cat thread but I don’t really see much about fashion. And I’m a junkie. Can’t afford what I’d really love but I make do with lots of secondhand clothing stores and occasionally buy an actual new piece. SO.

Do you ever laugh at your own stupid jokes? I crack myself up the time. I have a hand crank pasta machine that was made in Italy, and every time I pull it out I laugh thinking about the person in Italy who conned their way into a job translating into English for the box. It say Pasta Fresh Maker. I think of that

Hi everyone! I’ve been away for a while. There’s been a lot.