Max Verstappen

Ever read the comments on an F1 article around here? Not much love.

So did you steal this from Eli Yudin or did he steal it from you? It’s word for word.

Where’s the evidence they were not pushing hard? They were setting fastest sector times until the end of the race. They also completed 21 more laps this year than Porsche last year (I know Porsche had some issues, but its not like they completed less laps this year).

But they ‘blew’ that budget when they were competing head to head with legitimate competitors, so if we take this as the truth* this is not as unwarranted a victory as some are trying to say.

I am not going to get into an argument about whether Toyota earned this by actually being fast or by being in a league of their own, but they were not going conservative. They set several fastest sector times in the closing hours and laps, long after the race was decided.

Well, to start with, the one that just beat him in the SCF.

It’s ‘wooder’ ice. And I wouldn’t say Always Sunny is really that accurate: we don’t all use paper bags.

I had a Opel Corsa a couple years ago while in Ireland. Between right-hand drive, left side of the road, and a rented manual, it was the best 2 days of driving I have ever had. I was very hesitant to rent a car overseas before that. Now, I can wait to go back.

Just to be a truther, the PP started with Oshie, then he got booted, so Connolly came on.

I can’t decide if I am more surprised that Ovechkin is only 19th on that list (though he has a very good shot of being much higher by the end of his career) or that Patrick Marleau is as high as 26th.

You mean, Be Worst.

John Carlson forgot rule number one of playing defense: take the body. If he played Killorn’s body rather than swiping at the puck while fading away, the outcome would likely have been different.

What was the second blown Ferrari engine? Force India run Mercedes engines.

I’d argue that 1 goal on 20 shots (0.950 save %) is a really good game.

Can’t find them right now, but Lucas DiGrassi sent out a few tweets yesterday (I think) addressing this, complete with illustration on how wider track limits can enhance passing. He seems to be of the mind that track limits won’t matter if they are wide enough.

I read his Tweet as he decided he wasn’t going to return because his character was not developed int the way he was told it would be or as he expected. Not that someone had to tell him his character was not developed.

Or people with less than comparable privilege that exceed his level. This entire post is ironic coming on the heels of Lewis Hamilton (not from Monaco or a loaded family) winning his 4th WC.

Having 2/3 of the ability to do something does not mean that you are going to be the best (or even one of the best) 2/3 of the time. Having 2/3 of the ability required to be a starting pitcher in MLB gets you onto an MLB roster 0% of the time. I wouldn’t discount the difficulty of that last 1/3.

And most of Manning’s were probably him just hurtling as soon as a defender got in the backfield.

I am now genuinely curious how many times Brady has been sacked vs. the league average since he entered the league. My assumption has always been that its far less.