Max Verstappen

You mean like that giant burnt meatball at the top of the post?

Please re-read the comment you replied to. Pretty sure you jumped the douche gun on this one.

The difference is that the race is a live sporting event, the results of which (not the content) will be the only thing that has value or any bearing in two weeks. The value of TV shows is the content, not just the end result, so its worth preserving the mystery of what that content is.

Who is talking about Game of Thrones? And who here is complaining about GOT spoilers? If there was a website devoted to HBO fantasy dramas, would you go there right after the show and expect them to not have posts about it?

That’s fine. But I know how CarPlay works and I am pretty sure a tech can detail and gas the car.

Can’t figure this one out.

And I wish when walk in and tell a dealer exactly what I want, I can just buy it rather than the salesperson hammering extras, extras, extras. I am not complaining. My experiences have been pretty good, but even the good experiences include some of that crap.

I don’t quite get this mentality. In my experience it takes no communication other than requesting a quote to get several hundred dollars off MSRP. If you are okay with that number to avoid the stress, then you have succeeded already, without any further back and forth and it doesn’t matter if the dealer is no-haggle.

The irony of your comment is that if they made a law to make everyone pay full price, then there would no longer be a need for salesmen. Build it online and buy it. Be careful what you wish for.

Are stockcars really a million bucks?

Solid sports reporting went out the window at ESPN long before the protests, Trump, or anything else in the last 5 years.

A number of his DNFa this year have been not his fault. Take it easy.

It could be trending towards STR becoming a (full) Honda works team, but McLaren was no less a works team than Toro Rosso will be next year. Wasn’t enough to push VAN out. McLaren got, what, 100 mil for using Honda and it wasn’t enough?

I think it’ll be Kyvat. Can’t imagine Honda holds much bargaining power until they prove themselves. plus, two rookie drivers (assuming Gasly gets the call up)?

what safety measures have made F1 boring?

Is it? What GP did you drive in the rain?

You and you’re wife sound like lovely people. I’m curious, how tough does one need to be to prevent their head from cracking open if they hit the road at 25 mph?

The article is incorrect or at least misleading to say that he was P7 for reasons other than the tire failure. No he wasn’t winning, but he would have finished no lower than 4th without the failure.

Pretty sure you are missing the point of the comment. It isn’t to say that Vettel didn’t win because of the blown tire, just that it’s the reason Vettel’s lead is one point rather than 6 or so. He was running higher than seventh (I.e., he would have scored more points) prior to the tire issue.

I’m not suggesting they let him go go. Just let him go, regroup, go to his home or his work and put out an alert on the vehicle. It certainly is safer than having 15 cop cars buzzing through neighborhoods and can’t be any more expensive.