Maximum 4C

Papa John’s

Define track ready... Is it “if you track it and something breaks due to a defect, we fix it under warranty.”

Boats Botes.

Was expecting “do you want in on the deal? It’ll cost you about tree fiddy.” and that’s when I noticed the scammer was an eight story tall creature from the Paleolithic era.

thanks for nothing, heterosexuals.  

Traveled to Chicago last year to see the Cardinals play the Bears. I wore this shirt to the game, along with a Cardinals hat and jacket, so I thought it would be clear I was trying to mock their team. Instead, about 500 Bears fans were giving me high fives, asking where I got the shirt, and even offering money to buy

Gotta be the Tucker.

Road is wet. Camry pulls left, while under braking, to avoid the truck. Braking and turning is bad, the rear is light and begins to slide. Camry over-corrects and hits the truck.


I have an E60 M5 with the limiter removed but I'd need about 5 miles to get to 204 I believe. Not that I have any interest in trying to.