Max Torque

Everybody. Everybody knows building cars is hard, including Musk and everyone at Tesla. They are the first truly new manufacturer in how long? And they are producing cars and selling them faster than they can make them. I don’t understand why people love to hate on Tesla. You have such a unique point of view though!

Trying not to picture Trump having sex is an underrated burden of modern politics.

“The Trump administration is nothing more than an embodied id with undeserved power and deadly, poorly-conceived ideas.”

I just can’t decide if their incredible incompetence should be considered a good thing or a bad thing. I mean imagine what they could accomplish if they knew what the fuck they were doing???

tow drivers are crazy for constructive criticism - that would have really lifted his spirits.

You know, I’d wouldn’t be surprised if once he sees the F-35 (and it possibly landing in vertical fashion) he’d say something like “That’s a great airplane, maybe the best airplane. We need more of those airplanes.” All this while completely oblivious to the model of airplane it is and his previous tweets.


OMG RIGHT?? It’s like I can’t wait for him to just finish blowing the planet up awready, finish the ruination— just so I can get a little distance on what’s happening right now. We’re in the Prelude chapter to whatever documentary Ken Burns is going to make about the Trumpocalypse.

i’m trying to buy a house right now.

First of all, the golf meme is getting old. I’m sure it probably came from whatever right wing propaganda you get your “news” from, but let me nip that thing in the butt: Obama took far, FAR fewer trips than GWB, Clinton, GHB, or Reagan. Its not that its a problem for a President to take a vacation: its a fucking

I hope that the people in charge at the EPA and congress will take a trip to China so that they can see what happens when you don’t create and enforce environmental regulations.


I know some Jalops don’t want to hear it. But as someone who is old enough to remember the brown clouds and inversions from the 70's and 80's anything that slows Trump from being able to allow automakers to sell guzzling spewers without checks or balances is completely alright with me.

Looks like its a testing mule for the replacement. The hacked up exhaust surround looks like it was made to accommodate the replacement’s:

Over $50,000 of mods! No low ballers, I know what I have.

It’s the Kelly Blew Book price!

i am sure they can. We will hear about it soon enough.

Shamelessly stolen from the Reddit thread about this:

Who are you that is so wise in the ways of CES? Oh, you must be Linda.

International Man Products-Executive Model Prototype.