Max Boschert-Zielsdorf

I miss the first version of him. I remember watching the pilot and being excited to follow this particular character. Then he got shunted away from the cast and I was disappointed. Then he turned into a spacey moron and I felt like they really wasted a good actor/character combo.

That is funny! But you guys were friends. The tone changes a bit when Erlich and Jian Yan are using each other, and essentially hate each other.

Erlich's ridiculousness didn't just "involve" another culture, it played at being a part of that other culture, in an incredibly childish way. I still agree with your point, for the most part, but you're leaning way too hard toward the idea that literally nothing racist happened in that scene. Cuz it did. But it was

Yeah I see your point, I guess I give him more credit than that, and assume he's saying what he finds funny, too. It's not for critics, it's just that he thinks funny accent is funny (in a sort of defiant "you claim it isn't, but come on, this is funny" way), and then he ALSO thinks flipping it on us is funny.

But isn't that always a part of enjoying something in a crowd (literally or not)? Everyone reacts to different parts of the presentation. I assume that's part of a liver performer's evolution, where they follow the crowd, try to give their loyal fans what they like, and end up being both smarter and dumber.

I like to imagine, and maybe it's that I just watched an hour of Louie, that "I'll wait"-ers stand there, arms crossed, tapping one foot, and then a thresher just sails over them.

You're obviously not skilled enough at irony.

Pretty certain this season has done an excellent job showing how capable an actor Dunham has become. She's a far cry from simply "not shitting the bed". And there's no way churning out that performance for 60 hours is an easy job.

I agree with you completely, but he didn't need to understand it through and through to have conceived it as a story. He has likely observed a frustrating breast feeding experience that his wife went through, and used that when pitching what Hannah could go through.

Harmon was in the comedy troupe The Dead Alewives (creators of "I fire my magic missile at the darkness!"), so I'm certain there was a great deal of improv as well.

I also consumed a pitcher during Inside Out and had to pee so bad I broke my no bathroom breaks during movies rule and missed the emotional catharsis of the film. Turns out that was the key to loving that movie, as I was kinda meh on it. At leas to didn't soil the theater.

Was it during the first Spider-Man and was it me? Cuz yes, I was very embarrassed.

What a gross, limited, specific view of torture.

I'm not convinced. His behavior in the flashback of his was really morally strong. He wanted to be something great and follow his dreams, to the point where he stopped lying and risked easy money to be true to himself.

Fidelity doesn't mean only having sex with one person, it means not breaking the contract of the relationship. If you and I date, and we have an agreement that eating sandwiches is against the rules, then if I eat a sandwich, I am cheating on you.

Thanks for spilling the beans on the daughter's name, when the show is clearly using it as a goal for the protagonist. Is it that you don't care if readers are spoiled?

I lost it. It was the "Dori meets her parents" of this movie.

I am so confused by this comment. What movie shows the Yorktown captain? A tennis player? The Enterprise A was in ST V: The Best of Them All, and as soon as we saw it, it was already the Enteprise.