Max Boschert-Zielsdorf

It will just look like the visual tastes sequence from Ratatouille.

Solid criticism is always good when the writer is super pissy. Great review. Maybe get some sleep before you write your next piece? You fucking hack?

But she was still "up with people" almost all the time. Except for one moment of getting really painful news, she was constantly excited by even the oddest people around her. I agree it played as a little generic, but I was genuinely fond of her sweetness.

I agree that he's only out for himself, but the tragedy is that she acts to destructively that he has plenty of fodder for convincing himself he's in the right. It's like they distract themselves from addressing the real issues by blowing up the mistakes of the other.

As soon as the credits rolled at my showing of Hail Caeser!, the couple behind me scoffed "Not as good as Burn After Reading!"

Yeah! He does that stuff all the time: "They were thrilled about my idea." And yet the reviewer seems to think the first bit of irony comes from the intro narration of this episode.

Also, Remainder by Tom McCarthy. So eerie.

Jesus, what is with the sudden 180 on tone in this ending? Never before have we seen this side of any of the characters, even in passing. This show hadn't built any part of the serious wing to its house, and then with one minute to spare, tries to convince us it's been here all along? Not interested, show. Earn your

As soon as he stared in confusion at the UFO, my brain started trying to make connections to Betsy, and this is it: the UFO's, like cancer, are that silent, faceless randomness that acts and changes lives. Maybe just like Hanzee's motivation in hunting the Blumquists?

I think when he learns of what happened back at his home, the UFO will vanish as a useless loose end.

But there was blood on the wall when Lou left that room, so a struggle clearly occurred. No calm rabbit.

Very thankful I waited to read this after I saw it. Bad taste spoiling the heaviest emotional surprise and the spookiest visual surprise. Get it together, Dowd.

You wanted Kilgrave to survive to season two?! That's profoundly idiotic. After every awful thing we saw him do or heard him suggest he might do, all I wanted was for him to die. It couldn't happen soon enough. To suggest a version of this finale where he escapes yet again, and the season ends just because it's been

I've been calling it for a few weeks now that those two are gonna make it. They're right in the middle of everything, and the most clueless, so it just makes cosmic sense that they'll still be standing after the world around them is in rubble.

Eh. It got broader, much like Hollywood. Surprising, subtle ideas to be replaced by epic twists.

That was really bothering me.

Ian is riding a taste sensation.

*Looks around nervously for next two and a half months.*

Nobody's gonna mention that Gordon's headstone said 1978 - 2023? Did we know this show was set in the future?