Max Boschert-Zielsdorf

Oh come on. Like many people, I come to this site to read reviews of each episode I watch if a show. It's very easy to skim the sub titles of reviews for episodes I haven't yet seen. It's absolutely understandable that the angry commenter is in this situation and it makes zero sense for you to get so uppity about

Right, he used to be a smart computer programmer, but a really dumb/spacey socializer. Then they just found it easier if he was just dumb all around.

Jesuses that climb on rocks… Tough Jesuses, sissy Jesuses, even Jesuses with chicken pox….

But I think lisa_lionheart is saying that this show hass a cultural responsibility to be aware of how maintaining that depiction can harm people. Like, the ancient Ehtiopians were getting at something deep and powerful and important, but it's possible that seen through our modern American lens, some of how they got at

Um. Spoilers? Motherfugger?

I liked how the vape, held at his waste, rose perceptibly as Bilquist leaned in close in the museum.

But the premise of the fact that this realization was queued up for once she had space in her brain, and was delayed by having painful shoes all the time—that's insanely funny and makes it a whole new joke.

Bullemia is about control, which is clearly Varga's secret fetish. Opening the Christmas presents just to reveal them, so he knows what Emmet is giving and getting for Christmas? That's a control obsession. Swango is taking away his control, so he has to do the ice cream ritual.

Wasn't he also evil in Dinotopia? But was framed as good? The character actor IS a spoiler at this point.

Is this a google auto-reply?

Doesn't it seem like a bad idea on the Romans' part to let one of Jesus' followers have his body? The entire point of killing him was to end the growing movement and make him go away just like every other profit of the time. I say toss him in the trash like the rest of them, and this rabble will forget who it was they

Yeah I mist say, they were not glorifying it in this episode. I was truly shocked and grossed out by the deaths in the opening sequence, and I'm not easily shocked by film or TV.

That's awesome that it's landing well for you. For some reason I find it kind of silly, in a similar way to hat moment in Kill Bill 1 when it switches to anime. It's like QT woke us up to the "aw fuck it" school of inconsistent aesthetics and American Gods took up the mantle in a big way.

Good point. Wednesday (Odin, right?) should be in heaven in a world running on electricity.

As soon as the episode ended I turned to my girlfriend and said exactly that.

I'm not gay so I probably don't have much background to speak from, but that scene you're describing actually strikes me as way more groan-worthy than the scene we got. It would play as very "gay people hate vaginas, GET IT?!", whereas with Dinesh hating penises, it's more a joke about him being punished for a very

Most of the comedy in this show seems to be trying to play off the gulf between gross young straight men who know about gross young straight man culture, and professionals who know about the business world, and how the tech world pushes those two things together.

Or "Ookie Cookie" for the pleasing rhyme.

Come on!

In my youth, some friends and I came up with the Hitler, where then president GW Bush rated at like 0.81 Hitlers. But Pol Pot, on the other hand, he's like 3.27 Hitlers.