Kevin B.

That's pretty weak.

Alton Brown had a big stern lecture about why you should never stuff the bird. Fuck him.

That is the dumbest thought anyone has ever had.

I prefer "The Fredo" rule that allows each team to take one player out on a boat and shoot him in the face. His salary also no longer counts against the cap.

8, 8 kilowatt hours, ah ah ah . . .


Sons are Fernando and...

Newman's Own?


It was a bit dumb to think it would succeed this side of the pond, but the Phaeton was a damn fine car that failed miserably.

No, no, no Patrick, it's just a bad translation, it is a 16V not a V16

I'm sure glad my neighbors are more caring than that.

Have a baby and play the "he's too young to travel" card.

I hope fall off, ya cunt becomes the next Jalopnikmeme.

What he said...

For me, it has to be Ctrl-Shift-T. I'm always closing browser tabs by accident.

They are both impressive for what they do.

There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

The cognitive dissonance in this post is just astounding. I know this comes as a surprise, but some people are out of work. Some can't get jobs that pay living wages, regardless of their desire to have one.