Kevin B.

I’m going to strongly disagree with Drew on the wedding gift. If you’re in the wedding and you have to travel, then your presence (and the grand you sunk into everything) is your gift to the couple. Anyone who expects a gift after asking you to spend that much money to be a member of their wedding is an asshole and

Hey man, that's kind of a lame comment. 

but man, this is not at all how it was supposed to go!

“I always thought it was the balls,” O’Rourke says when told of Zoller’s firsthand recollection where the pee is stored.

Ignore it at your peril. 

Another lesson to be taken from this Finals series (“Final Clubs. Not Finals Clubs.”), and it is this:

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Are you not?

PASCAL was so awesome, I gave it a C++

if he keeps playing this brilliantly we’ll have to call him Fred Zeppelin

As a friend of someone who dealt with this, it’s truly an addiction. They got through it, but it took help. Maybe you could not knock on people who are embracing a tool to help them reach a solution. Yeah, some people will go to this as an “easy fix”, but pairing this with increased exercise and working on a better

I’m such a Deadspin fanboy that I hate Barstool Sports despite the fact that I’ve never visited their site.

Milwaukee shows Thon, Detroit whips out Johnson

prescriptivist-ass comment up in here

You're smart enough to understand how human biology works but too dumb to understand how language works? What kind of idiot-savant shit is that? It's like people complaining about "near-miss". They're not saying he only grew during summer break. 


Until a person who has committed an offense has actually acknowledged what they’ve done, apologized, and made every effort to make amends, I refuse to accept them as a fellow human. I don’t care if it’s cutting me off in traffic or murder.

Calling out somebody’s insecurity screams of insecurity.  

Torso pic or GTFOH

Yes, I agree, Kevin Love’s contract extension is truly a threat to America. WHY CAN’T EVERYONE ELSE SEE IT?!?!?!?!?