
And I thought the real Sausagefest was on October.

It has happened to me, it's worse, though, when you have a few years working on something only to discover someone did it and yours only can stand and look people calling it derivative.

Seems mostly be by countries colonized by the French and the Spaniards and as such, culturally Catholic and have more problems in their life to doubt something they consider "steady". I'm Venezuelan, so I have a first-hand experience on this.

Does this take into notice the Twitter accounts done for the Pope in other languages? There are eight overall (Spanish, French, Italian, German, English, Potuguese, Polish and Arabic) though the one in English appears to be the main one.

Drats, anyone else thought we would get cheap plastic toys from fast food restaurants? I know graphic violence and above PG-13 sex is not the Happy Meal's cup of tea, but then if they had toys for The Dark Knight...

It's no random. Both, George Lucas and John Boorman (the makers of Willow and Zardoz, respectively) tried and failed secure movie rights. When that fell through, both went on working on some common shared plot elements, like in The Hobbit, or vaguely on general concepts (A halfling and a sword-carrying rouge on a

Reminds me a joke I was told as a child:

Would love to see Americatown. It has a nice Blade Runner riff around it.

You know, an article could easily be written on movies that are indirect adaptations of Tolkien's works. Off the top of my head I can think of Zardoz, Willow and that South Park Halloween episode.

Also I would have never thought Lou Costello as Bilbo Baggins.

Both sciencie fiction and fantasy are speculative, since they deal with "what if" questions. Broadly speaking, it's just that traditionally the questions that propose fantasy tend to be leaning of the natural, mythical and/or folkloric order (What if they was magic during the Middle Ages? What if there were vampires?

For me, it's Tennenbaum from Bioshock. Yoko Ono, meanwhile, is Bjork.

I'm trying to write a Dystopia based on #3. Any advices?

They answered my submission! This has made my day. :-D

What about a list of characters least likely to die? I know it would be a short list, though...

Don't forget the bit about female priests (for some Christian denominations, Jewish branches and Neo-Pagan groups) and having a multireligious and tolerant society, if a bit biased toward the preconception of the belief of a Supreme Being.

So, basically, college dorms-style apartments but with better furniture.

I will have nightmares knowing somewhere, somehow, there's Tyrion/Varys slashfic around...

Don't forget the motto of Ankh-Morpork's guild of Barber Surgeons: Shave and a haircut/ No legs!"

Shame for not mention the Klatchian Foreign Legion! Twenty Years Service and all the sand you can eat!