Perhaps she gave vague responses free for the interpretation of people to adapt as they wish or oddly especific omens expecting to hit it right, it just the right ones are more memorable than the wrong ones.
Perhaps she gave vague responses free for the interpretation of people to adapt as they wish or oddly especific omens expecting to hit it right, it just the right ones are more memorable than the wrong ones.
Your younger sister has good taste.
Ah, sorry. I mistook him for Robert Zemeckis.
Oh, Serkis. For a moment we all thought Mars Needs Moms would stop you and now this...
They asked to the Count's manservant if it was true that his master was over 500 years old. "I cannot say" answered the manservant "I have only been with him for 300 years."
I want to sit on Darthcula's lap and tell him what I want for Christmas now.
This begs for some Star Wars/Game of Thrones crossover fanart.
Joining to the choir of Non-US deprived ones over here.
You know, R2D2 has definitely a Gunther-type personality going on there.
Quite a polyfacetic man! (Also, poly-amorous, but that's beside the point)
I love this way too much.
Now I demand some Ankh-Morpork money in the UK!
Good tips! I have tried for a while write a sci-fi novel, but so far it feels too much Total Recall/Blade Runner/Alphaville. Which begs the question, can something new be done with sci-fi noir?
This was the reason why they built underground tunnels in Disney World, so nobody could see the costumed workers out of character.
"You call those boots? Now these are boots!"
The original Frankenweenie is in the Nightmare Before Christmas DVD as a special feature.
Then Instrumentality comes and we all turn into orange Tang.
Now the future generations will have the ultimate debate, which name is more awesome: The Singularity or The Omega Point?
I agree. We already had a wonderful taste of Dieselpunk!Fringe with "Brown Betty" back in Season 2.