You! You’re not Sylvia!
You! You’re not Sylvia!
Y ni siquiera les dieron una hora en la piscina de pelotas.
Todos sabíamos que tarde o temprano George R. R. Martin mataría gente en el mundo real.
Same deal with growing up in Latin America. Lots of family history shrouded in mistery along civil insurrections and epidemies.
You know what's also science? The dead not walking, if you want to be nitpicky. But this is fiction so... he has no excuse.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz, that is all.
The White Peril is a trope as well in Latin America, the most famous example being Doña Bárbara's Mister Danger, which Hugo Chávez used as a slur against George W. Bush.
"What is with the Klingons, remember in the day
I was going to say something thoughtful, I feel so down by this that I wonder, why bother? Why bother trying think how to reconcile my background, culture and faith with my orientation, ideas and opinions. Especially on Christmas' eve.
I know this was the case with lots of catacombs in Spain, Italy and Latin America done in the 15th and 16th Century onwards, but who knows how was the policy in Jerusalem a milennia before?
"I just thought it was a lazy quarter-of-the-century!"
What is not melt can eternal lie...
St. Ignotus, patron saint of shame, anonymity and paper bags.
Is it Italian?
"Christopher Lee's heavy metal Christmas covers". Hard to say which part of that sentence is more awesome.
So, basically they are giving Steve Martin's character from that Looney Tunes movie his own Spin-Off? Why? This sounds more useless than that "It's Pat!" movie.
As a student of Journalism, this is quite poignant to me. Quoting Borges "We really build in sand, but we must work thinking we're actually building on stone."
It happened to me with The Cape.
One gets used to think of Nazis as cold-hearted fanatical murder machines to shoot at on a zillion different FPS but seeing candid moments like these ones it shows how one can forget that sadly these monsters had families, friends, and a life as any other person in the world and lots of them did it thinking they were…