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    a) Some of these are very arguable and Oliver Stone doesn’t belong on that list at all. He’s been awful from Alexander onwards but prior to that he made some excellent movies, even a couple of classics. Chazelle has so far made two films and both of them have been very good. I fucking hate Mel Gibson and can’t even

    Shame about JCVG, but at least no bad news so far about the much superior Patriot. They said a while ago they renewed it for a 2nd season, but since nobody I know has heard of it I keep dreading a u-turn.

    I’m sorry but that’s an awful way to judge Best Direction, there is so much the director does other than where the camera was placed, and if anything as you practically said yourself this is the cinematographer’s job anyway.

    Anderson might very well win it this year for (by all acounts - I haven’t seen it yet) his 3rd or 4th best film, like Scorcese eventually won it for his 11th best. Yes it’s a sham but come on, Best Picture is still worse.

    Yes they do nitpick shows there, but in the Mirror Universe other people take this nitpicking as light-heartedly as it’s meant rather than letting it hurt their feelings ;)

    Don’t worry I’m not going crazy any time soon :) have been enjoying this series for what it is, I never expected prestige-drama-level (or even Expanse-level) sophistication from it. I’ve always casually watched the various iterations of Star Trek since childhood, always aware of their flaws, and sometimes annoyed

    I think you mean 7 had his organs fused with 2 and now thinks it’s 9 but in this mirror universe it’s actually 6.

    Well yeah I suppose it does make sense that [convenient plot device that makes writing and casting easier] has a flair for the dramatic :)

    I’m sorry but neither of those points make much sense to me. If there are universal translators then they seem to really be strangely selectively choosing when to turn on and off. There were quite a few instances of klingon being spoken by Tyler/Voq, also solely in the presence of Michael. And if it masks non-American

    You’re seriously broken. Nevermind you distorting everything I said about the issue, I never at any point talked about women of colour or any race. I come from a Middle Eastern country where half the people (therefore also the women) are white, while your immediate association between geography and race demonstrates

    There’s a bug in your programming Mr. Robot.

    My god, there is something deeply wrong with you on so many levels. Keep having fun aggressively attacking people you don’t know on the Internet.

    Hah ok, repeating yourself a bit regardless of the topic? I’m obviously dealing with some kind of bot here, well done you almost sounded like you were a real person having a real discussion for a moment.

    Again, if you properly read what I wrote from a selfish standpoint I’d love it if all men were gentle and non-pushy and never behave in a way remotely similar to how Aziz did, this is how I naturally am and I would finally have an equal playing field. I just find the hypocrisy and inconsistency astounding sometimes -

    Christ, what racism? What I said had nothing to do with race, it was about culture. You have no idea of what race the people I was talking about were, you just assume they were of a certain race due to the region of the world I said they were from, which actually makes you racist.

    Re 5 I actually first had that thought when Saru came and caught Michael off guard while she was having a private moment with Tyler and she was embarrassed for some reason, instead of being outraged that he just waltzed into the room and didn’t even apologize - an outrage that would’ve been acceptable even in the

    Oh yes forgot that one, I did wonder about that too.

    My problem with these statements is that they change from culture to culture, and from woman to woman. As a man I’ve been consistently told by both men and women that I’m too gentle and respectful, not assertive or aggressive enough and that this is why I often end up missing my chance. There are of course ladies who

    Things I learned from Star Trek: Discovery:

    Don’t pretend you wouldn’t have signed up.