
Or framed more accurately... Google wants you to work for them for free, for the chance that they may pay you something if you can figure out how they can monetize quantum computers

He deserves better material than he gets.

100%. I work for a fortune 500, and it is the same cycle every time. Our economy is dependent on the myth of unlimited growth. When you lay off all of these people, it frees up reporting cash for shareholders to see. Which means when they actually do have growth, they will need to re-hire anyways and have massive

Over 6000 layoffs in the video game industry, but how many people have been laid off in the Tech Industry altogether from 2023-present? The fact that companies can just throw their workers away while claiming record profits is ugly capitalism at its finest, but the sheer unchecked accountability for companies to

So you really hate that guy, huh?

Lots of people are living in that middle ground.  Just not online.

of course, but it’s who we consider Nazis that is the problem. The AVClub quite literally said Dave Chappelle put trans people’s lives in danger. that’s preposterous. how are we to have middle ground with that kind of poisonous politics? whole swathes of the population have been written off. and Gillis proves they

This not being a bad episode was kind of depressing. I wish there was a middle ground, but there isn’t you either have to hate Shane Gillis or you are a crazy right wing lunatic, but even in the comments they all range between “Bowen and Sarah handled themselves professionally” to “Libs btfo” with no middle.

Can’t there be a middle ground where Shane Gillis is allowed to make bad jokes and be forgiven, but we also still let people be trans and we consider the Nazis to be bad? 

oh no, not bro humor...whatever that is. SNL obviously made a mistake firing him as he’s pretty big now, “off color” BRO humor and all. it’s almost as if most people don’t judge comics on their politics. huh.

Awful person...for making jokes. Gotcha.

Hollywood agent is a slightly more successful version of real estate agent.

I'll pay good money for a Herzog audio commentary on that movie.

I’m actually happy. This means I can skip it and not waste my time.

“An investigation from The Washington Post found that the AI image generator, Stable Diffusion, almost always identified food stamp recipients as Black, even though 63% of recipients are white.”

To this day, I still maintain it should have beaten Titanic for the Visual Effects Oscar.

No. That was my first thought; more inane trash that’ll be in a landfill within two years or under a pile of reaking clothes in the corner of a teen’s room until he moves out.

Cue the rock guitars of Toto!

Am I the only person who doesn’t give a fuck about the sexual nature of this and is just sad about the waste this will cause?

Usul, we have men sticking their dicks into the popcorn sandworm the likes of which even God has never seen.