
Especially considering that after he finished the film... he died.

If you are an investor giving an 87 year old director millions of dollars to realize their vision, is it “ageist” to ask them to have a plan in case something happens, or is it just “sensible?”

You’re exactly correct.

she calls it a “state secret,” adding that, “Hollywood is ageist.” Friedkin, who was 87 when he died

Making sure you have someone to cover for your 87-year old director seems more ‘prudent’ than ‘ageist’. ‘Ageist’ would be refusing to hire him, absent of concerns beyond age.

For the record, the EU Luke Skywalker had a less strict New Jedi Order. No dogma. Instead in the 3 new films that we got, they made a new Strict Dogma Luke Skywalker and a failed New Jedi Order which for me was just sad and depressing, deflated my entire interest in those 3 films. Not the hopeful one from RoTJ and

It’s probably the difference between civil suit damages and restitution in criminal cases. The civil suit damages are the ones that end up being seven or eight figures or whathaveyou. Civil suit damages for pain and suffering and potential punitive damages allow for massive sums... far more than simple restitution.

Hell yeah. My sons said even if it’s just an extended version of the Bolivia job, they’d watch it. And I agree with them.

I’ll say this-I would love to see him and Brian Tyree Henry in a prequel to Bullet Train series of their madcap adventures.

Sometimes sunlight is the best disinfectant.  I don’t blame him for basically having an open forum, and in fact think it’s healthier than gatekeeping what the public hears.  People can be adults and make their own judgments.

You should do a podcast then. I have a feeling most of the people saying this have fewer screws in their head than rogan.

It’s worth what people are willing to pay for it. If not enough people buy it, watch it go on sale quick.

Stop reporting on these nitwits just for rage clicks. 

I’d rather have shows end on top instead of wearing out their welcome. 

In this case it was Waititi and Harjo’s choice, they announced it and it wasn’t canceled as far as I can tell.

Body positivity. Negative personality.

With respect (none intended, more likely), a shitty CGI cameo from Luke Skywalker probably killed that series.

Why not? Assholes come in every gender, skin tone, ethnicity, and body type.

This definitely wasn’t on my bingo card.