
Well, obviously because they’re alienating their core audience for these movies, namely post-adolescent cis white males who have a deep emotional connection to the original Disney animated features, are stuck in an indefinite state of arrested development, and as a result spend most of their free time posting the same

It’s almost like the Daily Mail is a lying tabloid hack rage that exists to spread hate and that people should stop using it as a source for anything.

So, like, what are those photos? It looks like somebody caught a wild group of LARPers in a field somewhere.

Many such cases. I remember the ungreyed Ms.Anxiety.


“Cancel Culture doesn’t exist” claims website trying to shame man for his fairly mild opinions.

I can’t help but think that streaming is mostly just techbros wanting to cosplay as TV/movie makers, and that the reason it’s secret is because they don’t want it outed that most of their ideas are shit. 

This article kinda proves his point, doesn’t it?

It occurs that one possible problem with the whole “only gay actors must play gay characters!” argument is that it assumes that an actor’s sexual identity must be public knowledge in order for them to be considered for roles, even if the actor in question does not wish it to be.

This used to be a place for people who loved movies, or music, or television to write. Actual writers. With a real point of view. And if they talked about a subject like this it would be with real consideration. Now it’s a place to half ass mild takes to get outrage clicks. Fuck this shit.

Sure thing, ma’am.

Sit on their face and tell them that you love them...!

I’m just trying to work out at which point in this conversation I will be suckered into responding to somebody being ironic.

With all the hype around AI these days, I think we’ve kind of forgotten that AI has been used for straightforward tasks like this for a quite a while.

Meh trailer for what looks like a meh game based on a meh movie. But to be fair I’m more interested in the game than the movies. First person does seem like a bit of a weird choice and I can’t explain exactly why. I don’t think I would pay full price for this based on what I’ve seen. But if the reviews are solid I can

Now that mustache on the other hand, that shit is REAL!

Eh,I mean that is possible. But could you point out what is seen as obviously wrong? Because the clues thing I see is the right leg. And when I expand it it looks like a relatively normal leg on top of something of similar color that goes straight. I noticed this because before expanding it, it looked like another

No. Looks like a relatively uncreative position with both legs bent and the torso hanging over far enough that either it would have to be an in-between or falling. But both legs look like they are at possible (if uncomfortable positon), like they bend the correct direction and I'm not seeing extra joints. But I have

True. I meant AI generated art is getting better every day (six finger hands being much less common now than a few months ago). So eventually the appearance in and of itself will likely be good enough for the consumer (same way classic animation advance from curiosity to artistically appreciated as techniques

“somebody somewhere there looked at this image for more than three seconds, because even glancing at it you can see at least half a dozen red flags.”

FaZe continues to look like the worst examples of gaming culture. I hope she gets out of the contract cleanly, though I’d prefer this shitstain of a human being get the boot instead, because this is some straight up harassment from Rain.