“We keep shoveling money into the bank accounts of our top executives, but we’re still not succeeding! Quick! Layoff a bunch of low level employees!”
“We keep shoveling money into the bank accounts of our top executives, but we’re still not succeeding! Quick! Layoff a bunch of low level employees!”
As much as I agree...the studios that hire our passionate, respected mangaka don’t care for their health if it’s stalling the revenue flow. A lot of people in Japan like to work themselves to serious illness/death, creating a rather unhealthy work ethic culture. Businesses typically like to exploit passionate,…
I’ll do ya one better:
Just off the top of my head there’s Black Widow, Red Sparrow, Atomic Blonde (hell, most of Charlize Therons output tbh), Salt, Haywire, Charlie’s Angels, Colombiana, Kill Bill, Gunpowder Milkshake, the 355, the Protege, La Femme Nikita, Lucy, Kate, Anna, Ava, and Hanna
No kidding. He was by far the only redeeming quality in Iron Man 2.
Sam Rockwell and Saoirse Ronan just seems like a unfathomably brilliant pairing.
I’m in.
Rockwell’s in it, eh? I’ll be there.
Guy looks like if Bam Margera made better choices.
You do make this game sound great, but the blocky PS1-styled characters/objects and amateurish menus turn me off, especially when there are so many other games out there with much better art-direction.
How about we not pretend that we, socially and legally, should only have the capacity to deal with one side or the other. Accepting that men also get abused, or assaulted, or raped, and doing anything about it doesn’t detract from also continuing to recognize and care about what happens to women. This isn’t an issue…
Tell that to my broken foot and marriage. #abusedguy
Maverick would have been long retired, and even Goose’s son would be at least approaching retirement, certainly not just starting out at flight school. It’s best not to think too much about it, I’m really looking forward to seeing it.
As long as he named it “Metroid_Prime_Logo-Final-final53.ai” then he’s still my hero
As the parent of teen girls this film’s vocabulary may hit too close to home. I assure you, this kind of deflection is the standard debate tactic.
So...we’ll be happy when the characters are killed off?
About half of Nintendo’s systems were not released during the holiday season. The Switch itself was released in the month of March.
It is great. Also he never said that. In fact, he knew some people, people like you, would be disappointed. He even put a goddamned disclaimer in the book. ETA: My bad and apologies. I realize now you are talking about that movie I have convinced myself doesn't exist.
I kind of gave up on figuring out what’s going on.