
Yeah, and they often get two, right? NES got Zelda 1 and 2, SNES got link to the past, N64 got OoT and Majora’s mask, Gamecube got Windwaker and Twilight Princess, Wii got Skyward Sword (and uh... Link’s crossbow training lol), Wii U got BotW. Not counting the overlap for TP and BoTW switch is probably due for two.

I definitely consider myself liberal/left, but I often find myself pretty disgusted by how much discourse on the left sounds oddly like it’s promoting separation of the races. 

First Akwafine thought, first time I heard her talk (Crazy Rich Asians) I thought she was doing a Miley Cyrus impersonation so that’s my take on her voice.

Sensationalism implies a lack of accuracy. What do you think is inaccurate here?

Cost to rent a movie without Ana de Armas in it: $3.99

Let’s hope they don’t turn Knives Out 3 over to J J Abrams, who will explain that Christopher Plummer’s character is “somehow” back from the dead and that Daniel Craig is his grandson. 

I don’t know about “everyone” losing their minds about Taxi Chaos, I think that game always looked like bargain bin trash. This is at least from a dev team that has made good games.

They decided to turn it into a global full immersion play. We’ve been in it for nearly 2 years now. 

“Died suddenly” or “died unexpectedly” with no other details have long been euphemisms for either suicide or drug OD that the family doesn’t want to make public. This is nothing new.

It can be two things.

I’d wager/guess (without having seen a lot of Curb) that makeup of the cast of Curb being more alike to contemporaries vs Goldbergs having a cast that varies in age creates a different scenario on what type of jokes are maybe offensive but accepted vs taken as an offense. 

You probably have to work a bit harder to offend Larry David.

For a movie this big and weird, it is oddly forgettable. Ask me to describe the plot and I literally couldn’t do it. 

I saw it. I liked it. I think WB was stupid for hiring a toxic asshole to reshoot it and make it worse when a talented editor could’ve sanded this baby down to a 2.5 hour romp. I guess hindsight is 20/20 though.

Can’t believe they didn’t call it Suplex City

You’re joking right?
That looks cool!

Oh, you fucking ...

It’s also worth pointing out that McConaughey’s specific political beliefs are still… kind of vague.”

A small device is affixed under each player’s shirt that “pops,” making a hole in the shirt and oozing out a brownish liquid.