
Whatever you do, don’t complain about the bugs in-game. Everyone will immediately jump down your throat about it being an alpha test and that you shouldn’t complain because the game isn’t done yet.

In the early 2010’s, I was caught up in the hype, bought in for a specific pirating ship model (the Cutlass) because of talks about tractor beams, docking rings, pvp ship boarding, ship mass and handling, thruster location, gunner pod fields of view, cargo capacity, etc etc... I’m their target sucker, I didn’t care if

Whatever you do, don’t complain about the bugs in-game. Everyone will immediately jump down your throat about it being an alpha test and that you shouldn’t complain because the game isn’t done yet!

seriously this game is such a ridiculous scam

If only they had gotten to half a billion dollars, they might have functioning elevators!

given the number of people (read: almost everyone) who hate fetch quests, its amazing how common they still are in games

Oh buuuuuuurn!!!

Good advice but keep in mind this was written by a person who works for Jim Spanfeller.

I don’t know what humans you know whose hands and legs look like that, but they should see a doctor.

Among all the conveniences, how effective is wireless charging vs wired?

Seems like there might be a good market for a digital store that specifically caters to explicit sexual content.

Epic: "Valve can't count either. It's an industry standard."

Pure speculation on my part, but there’s a chance he may be off-putting professionally due to his personal work habits. To rise from just a tester to game director is pretty impressive, but it indicates a level of motivation and drive that he may unrealistically hold others to and, consequently, act harshly towards any

So, if I’m reading this right, someone complained about him being a dick, and the company that he helped bring fame, notoriety and massive amounts of money to was all “We investigated and found nothing, you’re cool bro. High five”.

After Joss Whedon and Marilyn Manson, if they announce that Goldeneye on N64 somehow abused women they’ll have retroactively ruined all of my weekends between age 12 and 16.

Everyone knows that it’s technically more difficult to animate non-white non-cis women character models. Programmers have just recently cracked the code for animating female models. Just wait 5-10 more years, the technology just isn’t there yet!

Woke: Devs, don’t make games about minority identities you can’t personally speak to, as that is appropriation and you’ll likely screw it up.

The real news here is that Stadia has enough games to warrant a search bar. Color me surprised. 

He actually looks like a huge dork-ass 48 year old man attending his 90s theme high school reunion but hey -- cool is subjective.