
I rewatched the first two Die Hards this weekend. It sounds like I made the right choice.

Hope we see videos of people kicking them over as they approach. Fuck these robots.

AT&T gives a fake solution to a problem they created that could be solved by not having data caps to begin with. Especially when companies have to give them money to not count towards data caps or be a company they own. None of those means AT&T is doing it for the customer, so stay mad.

It’s also so gross when people buy into the idea that there’s no oppression against Asian-Americans. Asian people may not have the same historic oppression that Black people have, but this country has still harmed, killed, enslaved, and traumatized them since at least the 1800s. People need to learn their history.

I sincerely doubt that the people who are outraged about racism against Asians (and rightfully so) are the same ones spreading conspiracy theories. Also, because I don’t know what’s going on in Equatorial Guinea, I’m not allowed to comment on human rights abuses elsewhere in the world? Come on now.

That’s a very dangerous line of thought. Group punishment is, without exception, never acceptable. Now in this case the consequence for the rest of the team was unavoidable, and that falls squarely on “Wrigley’s” fault. What he did there should absolutely be no tolerance for.

My one hope for all of this: I never have to hear about the fucking Snyder Cut again. I generally try not to yuck other people’s yum. I get that Snyder’s style is not appealing to me and that’s fine. Enjoy what you enjoy.

But damnit I am tired of hearing about this fucking thing.

It feels like a lot of people have lost or abandoned the ability to differentiate a joke that is about a subject from a joke at the expense of a subject.

I thought that the finale was TERRIBLE with a few bright spots.

I saw someone make the case that the Switch is the best console to buy multiplatform releases on because it’s portable, while completely ignoring the fact that most games have to be heavily dialed back to run even average specs. Why would you want to intentionally downgrade your games, escapes me.

This is what happens when you use a underpowered tablet as your console.

The framerate has me worried...

Wish they could have used the BotW engine as well though. This almost looks like Zelda is a console generation ahead.

Breath of the Wild is so much prettier looking, though. I always wanted an open world Pokemon game but from what they’ve shown it looks so dingy and plain. 

Nintendo Cease and Desist in 3... 2... oh wait.

sweat and curse and jerk off and fire a gun and slide a needle into his arm,” known colloquially as the “Florida lunch break.”

“Well if letting women vote wouldn’t be any different than letting men vote, why bother? Oh right - because it’s the right thing to do.” Well first of all I never implied that and you also made the mistake of using a metaphor to prove a point rather than showcase it, third is also a false equivalence, fourth just

We don’t need counterparts to Aloy and Lara because they have compelling reasons to exist as they are outside of identity quotas. We have more and more games with compelling female leads, and it’s a great thing when they are strong stories the creators are interested in telling. And it’s a shame in a game like AC:O

Right, we don’t need a male counter part to Aloy or Lara Croft, because we already have an abundance of male protagonists. We need more female protagonists because they’re massively under represented in video games as actual human beings and not just eye candy.

They really, really botched the storytelling in Eternal, imo. Doom 2016 had this perfect, beautiful elegance to it where ALL of the slayer’s characterization came through his hands, and you just totally understood the guy from the get-go. The whole gag of there being this big, high-stakes plot going on that the slayer