
Up until this very moment, I had forgotten Game of Thrones aired an eighth season, and was living in blissful ignorance. But yes, dark as in that somehow-multiple-Emmy-winning episode... Be sure to turn up the brightness when you play!

Awesome, this continues the streak of a game coming to Game Pass about a week after I finally cave and buy it.

Ok but the venn diagram of that guys audience and potential buyers of a game like that is probably pretty high so I understand the move

Nothing is soft when these kind of velocities are involved.

At this point I think everyone knows what they’re getting from Switch ports.  If you’re playing a multiplatform game on the Switch it’s because playing in handheld mode is a major draw for you.  If it isn’t, you’re probably going to play it elsewhere.  


Fucking Americans with their crust-cutting.

No, they said the next gen version would be a free upgrade.

CDPR has already confirmed next gen upgrade patch is free

Why are people following McDonalds on Twitter? Why are people on Twitter? How did we get here?

Yeah, I wouldn’t call this petty. Petty is sawing an inch off one leg of all the desk chairs or hiding all the post-it notes. This is an intentional attempt to sabotage the economy and let Trump scream about how the recovery would be so much better if Biden hadn’t stolen the election from him. They are willing to harm

Trump wants to do as much damage as possible to the country that rejected him. He’s the stalker ex who slashes your tires and sends your nudes to your boss. The only way he can process pain is to inflict greater pain on others.

the whole story hinges on, is how ViacomCBS controls Chappelle’s Show now and doesn’t have to give him any part of it because of a contract he signed before he left the show.

Let’s call it ‘Scorsese Syndrome’: If everything you make isn’t utterly brilliant, your audience has been utterly gutted for having invested such sacred faith in you. If I was Scorsese, I’d make a Rob Schneider skateboard movie ... But, somehow, it’d work, dammit.

Yes. It always makes me assume they never watched “Moon 44", “Tomb Raider” or one of the “Taxi” series.

I think the error is in thinking that art is supposed to be a form of supporting a community or a means of uplifting specific individuals. If the performance is tasteful and well done then I don’t see the crime.  

Just let it play out online and say nothing. It will possibly be forgotten about and maybe get some minor rumblings when it finally comes out. She made the decision to lash out which is even worse than a nonapology of - I’m sorry you feel that way. 

That’s always what I don’t understand. Even if you think the reaction is overblown and your critics are really crybaby idiots, how could you not see that saying “I think the reaction is overblown and my critics are crybaby idiots” is not the move here? This happens every time and people always just step on the rake

We could only wish.

i know it was a sequel, but Bladerunner 2049 is better than Ford Bladerunner. Here we go...