
You’re no more “stuck” there because your passport expired than you are if it gets lost/stolen and you have to go to the consulate or embassy and get a new one. So, really not stuck at all. And anywhere from 3-6 months is excessive. Like, I could reasonably see two weeks, maybe a month. But you’re telling me that

I will go into a Lewis Black diatribe for you:

Does gaming always need to focus on being new and original? Not all gaming needs to be art, and in particular with online gaming it’s sometimes better to focus on refining existing gameplay concepts.

Yeah, PUBG is not the first game to have a Last Man Standing variation of a death match. But due to a mix of timing and seemingly finding the right mix of elements it’s the first to really make it explode in popularity.

Do we need a take from every single actor out there?

Guys, at some point a person is allowed to say that they don’t know, which is kind of the point here. It is asked in a rather roound-about way, but the question basically boils down to this.

I actually enjoyed the movie, I’m kind of surprised they are making a movie sequel to it. I thought the world building (though small) was interesting enough that I would have liked to have seen a TV series about it, and thought maybe they would go in that direction instead. A LOTR perspective in modern times is really

Honestly, I get it. Critics didn’t like the movie but it wasnt bad. The production value was good I didn’t have any issues with the acting and overall it was a fun mindless action movie. I get that they tried to touch on societal and racial issues but if you just watch it as an action movie and not something smarter

Right? Instead of consolidating, they just keep making new shit every console.

^^ literally exactly what they should have done. As a web developer it’s truely shocking that they can’t figure that out.

And here we thought PSN’s lack of name changes was bad, heh. Can’t have name changes if you don’t have a name!

I will never understand why these things are separate. At least you can link one to the other and just use your old NNID for everything.

As much as I love Nintendo, I have pretty much given up on them getting internet right. Maybe the Switch will be a step in the right direction considering it’s still young, but I am not holding my breath.

What baffles me is that they didn’t just migrate the existing NNID accounts to the new system. Even if they were kept separate (but linked) internally, the users would be none the wiser.

Unfortunately, Bioware has increasingly sucked after EA bought them, and especially since the leaving of much of it’s original braintrust (Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk).

Id actually love a sequel to Republic Commando. That game was flawed but had SO much potential and with an added coop feature and updated graphics I’d run that game to the ground.

  • Kotor 3

Racist to who?