
I know this is a terrible way to feel, but I’m not as sad as I should be that deniers will be hurt far worse by this.

A photo of a woman on her knees cleaning = support for Trump. I guess she’s staying on brand..

So edgy! The 12 year old ‘badass’ thing got old a long time ago...

I booted up Star Fox 2 last night and played a couple battles and I actually found it pretty impressive. Granted, it’s from a different time, but the fact they had this running on SNES is pretty cool.

Yea, this was back in the day when 15 fps was acceptable (Starfox, FF7) and 30 fps was playable (Super Mario 64).

I honestly reckon it was never as finished as they initially claimed. The actual rom itself clearly wasn’t, and some modders had to add things to essentially get it to play properly. Maybe it was the programming that was complete but not all the polygon assets had been created or something but there was definitely

So what do the people posting the roms mean by saying- “Star Fox 2 (Final Version) (English Patched) is a Action/Shooter game published by Nintendo released on September 15, 1995 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.”

The second game feels like a bit of a mess and the soundtrack just isn’t as good. At the same time the decision to can it over comparisons to the PSone and Saturn is a bit offensive to me. Because it totally dismisses the fans of Star Fox. At the time I would have loved to play the sequel. I wasn’t thinking

At this point Nintendo either has some very awful, awful marketing departments, who insist that short-handing supply lines is a good idea, or Nintendo really is that bad at managing production of their hardware.

If you’re a professor and you go on national TV, you better hope you either have the administration’s blessing or tenure or you’re fucked. Welcome to academia, lady.

No, Cranky is the original DK. The current DK is DK Jr.’s son.

It just seems really euro-centric to me that we insist on pressuring Asian developers to conform to Anglonormative intersectional cultural mores

That’s... Actually a pretty dope art style. Almost feels like a waste that it’s only being used for avatars, I would watch a Pixar flick with characters like these.

These need to be 10x the current price. The amount of traffic these signs generate is massive.

Just one question. Why are you helping these jerks make more money by linking and embedding their videos?

Maybe it’s because I have a degree in compsci and math, but I was really hoping this article would end with an actual number (“7 times per month”) based on the headline instead of a big wishy-washy “It depends”

Definition of a Nymphomaniac: Someone who wants to have sex one more time than you do.

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

Like, up until the spitting and the punch, I wasn’t even mad this was so pitiful. Dude was an internet comment section brought to life.