
As a (video)gamer from 1976 (Pong), i still think E-Sports are bullshit.

As with any other sport only small percentage of those who compete become successful, it is far more possible that they will fail, than that they will be making big money in e-sports

“E-Sports”.... ugh.

Always makes me wonder why there’s so few rip offs from other big companies. It’s not like the gameplay is as refined as a Mario game.

The colors give you context to whether the answer is “good” or “bad” depending on the question answered.

Especially in regards to the majority of the figures being wallet busting Hot Toys releasing. So yeah, it’s more of museum than a casual purchase store.

“I think the base of our secret sauce has always been Ocarina of Time. But this time, the change in flavor will be like going from Japanese food to Western style food. Perhaps, players will be surprised.”

Do a barrel roll
(Z or R twice)!

What kind of witchcraft is this?

Capcom addressed (vaguely) their criteria for this, before they did this. It was a combination of disconnect rates, win streaks, video evidence provided by fans and, they later revealed, building an algorithm that could flag rage-quitters so accurately, that videos wouldn’t be needed from now on.

It’s the perfect response, obviously 100,000 points is no accident, and the online fighting game community has a history of quiting to save win loss ratio and such, some of the rediculous streaks on MVC3 are testament to that. I can guarantee the people who actually want to play the game won’t mind if this guy quits,

Yet we can’t even get a slither of info on the Wii U Zelda

And yet neither the new Unreal Tournament, Paragon or Shadow Complex are available on any platform other than the Epic Games Launcher on PC.

I agree. The timeline is pointless and is completely forced. It’s like trying to make a timeline for all of the Bond films; no one wants it. Some Zelda games are related, sure, but trying to link the old titles with no connections to other zelda games only hurts the franchise.

Calling the guy who just demanded the families of his enemies to be murdered a “relative moderate” should really tell you everything you need to know about american politics.

Was a great fighter, by the time of his death (in the series in fact) there comments about how he used to be great, but began to rely on the factor. Basically traded taking the damage for dealing it. Great observation