And then people wonder why misogyny continues to be a serious issue in Japanese society. I would have thought it was pretty obvious really.
And then people wonder why misogyny continues to be a serious issue in Japanese society. I would have thought it was pretty obvious really.
“How am I supposed to masturbate to this? This female doesn’t look anything like a prepubescent child.
That’s particularly worrying since many Japanese still play Street Fighter in the arcades rather than at home.
Hey! I spy a very helpful and insightful comment leading this conversation off to a greaaaatttt start!
So basically they have made her look more Japanese now despite the fact that she is actually supposed to be British.
And thus the word lumbersexual became part of my lexicon. Thanks, Patricia.
My take-away from this is that I love that we live in a world where Playboy uploads Let’s Plays of Nintendo games.
This exactly.
Past time...but its locked in Sega’s closet of pathetic excuses.
Heh. Yeah, the dev later explained that it was originally a schoolgirl but they didnt allow them to use that model at the event (there is also no nudity allowed there etc.) so they changed her for the black guy. Its definitely funnier this way.
You bet.
I remember when this was announced I was so excited... Then every new bit of info proceeded to feel more ho-hum than the last.
citing a famitsu review. lol.
It is an expansion, but the developers are talking about it as if it's a whole new game (IMO, to justify the $40 price). Shouldn't be on this list though.
Well, kudos to them for going all in into their madness...
I don’t think it even has one though
I’m pretty amazed with what they are still squeezing out of the nearly decade-old gen but imagine what they could do with the current gen if they stopped trying to make them scalable already
There's probably at least one Japanese guy mildly annoyed by this.