
Anybody who downloads games, ever, shouldn't really be falling for this.
We know there's no GTA V for PC, and most people don't download games if not from trusted providers like Skidrow, Blackbox et al. (or somebody who's skulled on PirateBay, at least)

For the record, I DOUBT Cameron will Ever get to Battle Angel.

It is not a coincidence that the most popular Zelda games were all radically different from their predecessors in some way or another. That's why I'm a little iffy on this whole revisiting A Link to the Past concept. It's like Nintendo remembered people loved that game and then decided to make some more stuff like it.

Best upgrade I ever got for my PC was an SSD. Next to no loading and it's only going to get better over time. I can't wait till the larger sizes become affordable enough to completely get rid of normal HDDs.

come defrost me on nov 29th... i cant live like this anymore!!!

There's tons of these, i remember seeing one with Ben 10.

I always wonder why people want Nintendo to publish on other consoles or on iOS/Android. Part of the magic of Nintendo is the fact that you can't play the games they make anywhere else, but on a Nintendo system. I really hope they never start doing watered-down smartphone games.

The PS4 version of BF4 is going for 60FPS, actually. Not sure about the Xbox One, seeing your comment below, but it might have been an issue there or a beta problem. The beta's been riddled with bugs on PC, especially performance wise, dropping to 30 FPS on Titan cards. The PS4 version will have at least 900p

I feel like I'm living in bizarro world as I saw nothing but a mess of sloppy looking gameplay and unbalanced power ups in that trailer.

Yeah, public displays of affection are icky. I don't want to have to explain to my kid why people like each other.

On a very unrelated note; This is my headcannon depiction of Jesus.

One of these days PC gamers will have to tell us what they are overcompensating for.

Nintendo are the kings of bad UI.

Unlike the Gamers' virginities!

Yea I remember, I'm still waiting for it to stop sucking.

What makes me so mad about the ridiculous sushi in the states is that there doesn't seem to be Any understanding of how bad it is. I know theres a place for cheap messy food. Americans generally understand the difference between fine mexican cuisine and Taco Bell. I eat taco bell every once in a while and enjoy it,