
To me there was 2 paths for Snyder.
The first one was to be a director that can be brilliant if given great R-rated material and producers that keep him in focus. That’s how we got his early career and good movies like Army of the Dead, Watchmen, 300.

But at some point he started to go a different path, started making

Honestly, all I take from your comment is what kind of life do you live if you have a list of “worst people I’ve had the misfortune of crossing paths with” and can directly link all of them with a podcast host...

Now playing

Really? He came to disagreement with people a lot of of time.

Almost as if Joe Rogan wasn’t a cinema critic.

Now playing

It’s completely in character with all of his podcasts. If you didn’t just pick and choose the few things he said that you didn’t like (which might be 0.1% of the overall things you can hear over 100s of hours of his podcasts) you’d know that he’s far from being the worst person you know.

I honestly think that this is better for everybody involved.

To have been part of the entertainment industry for 10 years now.
Most people working there are just party people. For them it’s a lifestyle, they like to push it more and more, more alcohol, more drugs, more dancing, more sex.
Until it goes too far and it bites them in the ass.

No. The entire movie’s premise was “let’s do a remake of ghostbusters but we’re going to swap genders”.
It was made as a sociopolitical experiment, and it failed badly because
A-Nobody liked the idea
B-It couldn’t stand against the massive cult classic status of the orginal movies
C-the movie was just bad.

anything but living in reality

Too bad, I genuinely hoped that this would be at least entertaining to watch...

You’re not crazy, 1h45min should be the average sweet spot for the length of a movie.

John Wick is a good example
John Wick 1 : 1h41 min, 2: 2h06, 3: 2h11, 4: 2h49min...

(John Wick 4 is a monumental drag of a movie, I had to stop after 45 min because I couldn’t just go through 2hours more of this shite.)

Well all of that is fair, all these info should have been part of the article if Kinja had done it’s work.

If you don’t want to talk about these issues because you live in a repressive homophobic country, I don’t think telling everybody else to not f*cking talk about your country will help with the change you seem to

I don’t agree with the argument to avoid. There is no islamophobia anymore, it is an issue of culture difference. We don’t agree on a lot of issues, and that’s fine.

But western countries made their choices on homosexuality, to back away from it because we don’t want to offend muslim people is to me both hypocrite and

And 60 years later they are still here, and it has nothing to do with christians or the british government.

I guess for me it’s about hypocrisy. I understand that different people have different values and beliefs, but this is journalism.

Where did I say that?

It’s pretty obvious that avoiding to mention the islamic culture and religion in this article is because kinja doesn’t want to be labeled as bigots for pointing it out.

Can’t you see that? Or do you think there is another reason for not mentioning that, when Malaysia is 64% muslim and that it is

I am amazed that the AVclub managed to write this entire article without writing the words islam or muslim. Replacing it by “conservative”.

Also a nice note that you end up pushing the narrative that the gay dude is the bad guy here, just after you wrote : “Malaysia is one of the most restrictive countries on the

How is faith based marketing any different than for example feminist-based marketing, or gender-ideology based marketing, or any racially based marketing that we see these days?

Remember when the the mere act of not paying for a ticket to see Bros meant you were a homophobe?

It’s all the same tactics, just aimed at

No not even disney, unless you want to rewatch the same thing again and again, the new content they release every month is not really worth it.

Damn, a tame joke like this is considered an insult now?