
Boyega is a great actor, I remember first watching him in Attack The Block.
But at this point, we should ask Disney to move on from that dumpster fire of a trilogy, and generally move on from the skywalker era.

They wasted those actors talents and the opportunity to make great stories/movies.

Did we get the data of how many patients they denied treatment?

I always thought that people/companies had to be real A-holes to develop and release a pay to win game.
Now I realize that the players also have to be idiots/PoS to enjoy beating other players in a game, just because they have a big bank account.

What a great display of awful people.

This Diablo Immortal wreck just keeps getting better and better.

Taylor swift like any celebrities out there are feeling the blow back of the narrative that their constant virtue signaling created.

Better idea, let’s judge all of them, and not on their gender, or their statements or absence of statements, but on their actions.

I guess it had to do with the fact that for decades we were sold on the idea that if white men stopped holding on to the power they have, and let women and minorities have the power that were wrongly denied to them, that it would usher us into a better world.
But as we are moving to a world where equality of

You can’t throw all of these into the same bag. Yes, this is due to rise of extremism, but extremism takes many forms, and Putin is not some kind of puppeteer of the entire world political landscape.
Radicalism takes many forms, economical, religious, ideological. From christianism, to islam, to communism, capitalism,

Hi, as an Indonesian citizen, maybe you can enlighten me on something that seems completely left out of this debate but maybe should:
Do you think this kind of political decisions are the result of the growing influence of Islam in your country?
I’m not saying it is, but it seems like something to look at.

I agree, visuals are not what makes a movie good anyway .

Make that shit illegal damn it.

The characters are okay, but the decor and settings are trying to have a realistic feel.

Honestly, Laika movies look better, or Wes Anderson’s.

Hollywood has become a circus. They always had inflated egos, but at least they were keeping most of it to their private lives.

Who thought it would be a good idea to have a comedian roast everybody in the room?
And now Will Smith, who did everything to have his personal life exposed to the world, has the audacity to

Ok then mate, you proved that the GOP are awful. I never said that they weren’t but okay.

Now again, I’m through this “lesser evil” bullshit. I don’t want a bad choice and a worst choice, I want a good choice.

So insult republicans all you want, and defend democrats all you want, both party should be dismantled.

Honestly, 5 years ago, I would have agreed that Democrats are doing some good.
Now, I just don’t know, things did not get better under Obama, and things aren’t getting better with Biden either.

It’s like democrats went too far, too far into all that extreme crap, and now there is no going back to sanity and social

Dude, I’ve been trying to tell you from the start that not using mocap suits, is where the VFX supervisor should have intervened and make the decision.

This is ridiculous on so many levels.

Nah to what? To the existence of VFX supervisors or what they do?
Because I can assure you, they are real and they’re the ones who supervise the VFX team.

What if republicans are the bigger threat. Do you think for one second that Democrats are the solution to that threat?
They’re just the opposite side of a same coin, playing the blame game for decades while nothing actually change or gets better.
The left plays the progressists saviors that will usher a new utopia, while