
Ohhhh... I would have never guessed asian.
But I guess every fictional races ever invented must come across as something.

I never identify the trade federations as a real world minorities. What minority do you have in mind?

Funny that we’re still talking about this, but meanwhile Trump has like 15 things he did that are as wrong or criminal.

Let me be clear, half the politicians should be fired or in jail, but damn the republicans and Trump sure knows how to avoid responsabilities and put the spotlight on the democrates wrongdoings.

Cancel culture is crap when they try to obliterate a comedian’s carreer because he made a joke or had a bad date.
But taking down proven rapists is not the same thing.

That article go way too easy on her.
It’s pretty clear she doesn’t think he’s guilty. How can you think that? 

It cost them virtually nothing and helped brought in new customers, I guess their statistics must show that it wasn’t bringing new customers anymore.

Damn, Microsoft is on a roll. I know it's something small, but that's just great service on their part.

Can it be used to replace bluetooth? Because honestly, bluetooth is really not that great.

I would definetely watch a movie that looks like this.

Airplane mode. Duh

And if I’m being honest I payed 150 euros for Sony’s noise cancelling earbuds, and frankly, I would have preferred to pay more for something that I feel actually worked.

I don’t get the problem here. There are plenty of choices for earbuds for different budgets.
They could be priced at $1000, why should we care?
This is a luxury brand, not a tech brand.

it’s actually both.
have you watch the video? Frame interpolation doesn’t let you manipulate your face or replace it with an animation.

Go to 1min46s

This is both weird and amazing.

Fucking finally... Now let’s do something about it

I just wonder where in my comments I said that?

Exactly, you chose which one you think is better, but I don’t think the book version is supposed to be taken as an argument to bring back arranged marriages with 13 yo girls. And I don’t think the point of the scene in the show was to be“exciting” as some people assume here.

That mcdonald jokes wants me to punch them. To think they did that and they were adults. Real dickheads.

well, it’s a book/show that is based on the middle ages. The rules and mindset of the era was much different.
The author and filmmakers have to chose how they want to portray it.
I think both versions (book and show) depict it an way that is consistent of that era.
And both are absolutely not okay in our times. But so