Hollywood doesn’t work like that. Ang Lee has never been a very successful director when it comes to box office.
Hollywood doesn’t work like that. Ang Lee has never been a very successful director when it comes to box office.
In 2019, I am truly wondering why this is not a Netflix movie. Do they really believe this will be a success?
when I was young, I use to judge famous people for not being nice. Now that I lived long enough, I can safely say that if I was famous, I would probably tell everybody to f*ck off.
I just hate this type of critics... I remember the first time I started hearing that was for ER, “You don’t do this or that if you are working in a hospital”.
I used AA to go from Paris to Austin and back. Cost me about 500$, and everything went fine.
I see nothing wrong with her selling anything she wants. I do have a problem with people buying used bathwater. I don't care who sells it, don't buy that shit people.
Must hurt when your game suck so much that nobody wants it free
Here we go, we’ve reached the peak of the “Hurt culture”, everything is fairgame, nothing is allowed, fasten your seatbelts people, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
A f*cking shortcut in the menu to put on the 3 parts of the same armor.
I'm fine with that.
Way better than the lazy job Nike did with stranger things.
The good old, game announced through only a small behind the scene video.
The more he age, the less subtle he is. MGS4 was already damn unwatchable because of the overexplaining. The story was so overcomplicated and at the same time overexplained. I rolled my eyes a 100 times and didn’t even touch MGSV.
Thay’s a nay for me:
Everybody is making star wars games, except Disney and EA
You think that I would stoop so low as to invent a wife? Get help
Seriously, who do you think you are? You think all men live on a cloud and don’t have any personal problems?
They should wait 10/15 years and do it with the same actress. People would go nuts.
This was better, one of my favorite moment in the entire show