whhhaaaaaat there is a new one from 2015?
whhhaaaaaat there is a new one from 2015?
Here is a cool one (on arcade)
Did anyone finish that game? Everything was hidden, the dinosaur were hard to kill and respawned every time, you died easily, there wasn’t much ammo.
I played Spidey 2 as well, but I guess it’s not up there for me because there is many other licensed games that I enjoyed playing.
First time I see the character, and I just didn’t make any connection to anything racist.
What’s pedantic about saying that I prefer other licensed games than Spiderman 2 exactly?
list is in the comments. But someone explained that the author was talking about actual movie tie-ins, I was just thinking about licensed games. Which is different.
list is in the comments. But someone explained that the author was talking about actual movie tie-ins, I was just thinking about licensed games. Which is different.
list is in the comments. But someone explained that the author was talking about actual movie tie-ins, I was just thinking about licensed games. Which is different.
list is in the comments. But someone explained that the author was talking about actual movie tie-ins, I was just thinking about licensed games. Which is different.
I didn’t see it like this. He meant games that comes out at the same time as movies.
Seriously guys? You can’t come up with it yourself? You need to play more games. Here it is a lot of games:
A few o them, Canada and France for example.
I still don’t know why so many people name Spider-Man 2 when they talked about good licensed games.
I’m not willing to pay the most important cost for this game : my precious time
I’m not willing to pay the most important cost for this game : my precious time
I spent a day in a Tesla, and I have to say, you have to be pretty stupid to use the “autopilot” like it’s a full autonomous system.
Depends on the contract they have.
Skate 4 will never happen, so why crap on a game that looks like it could fill the void?
Ninja Theory just talked about the Microsoft acquisition, they have total creative control.
Yeah I had trouble understanding what was Xbox only, what was Xbox+Windows10, or timed exclusive, or just console exclusive.