The hardware is just not up to the task.
The hardware is just not up to the task.
I agree that what they are doing in GTA is totally fine, I actually think the whole animal mask is pretty cool for a robbery and stuff.
Again, it’s mainly not about what you do, but more a matter of how seriously you take it.
well, they clearly are playing low-key right now. but if they weren’t they would also be mocked.
I think the main problem is how seriously they take their “hobby” or passion.
I’m fine, I never had enough confidence in me to be a macho and a pig.
No I’m saying somewhere something should have happened.
“In a With News interview earlier spring, Itani, now 67, was asked if he ever thought he wanted to die”
Never said the old game should have been kept alive. My point was that when you know at least a year in advance your going to kill a game (because it took at least that long to develop the new one), you don’t announce it a few weeks prior to the employees whose livelihood depends on it.
I don’t know if you’re serious or not but what you say is scary.
Good old America, where employees can be fired without warning and not get severance. All the while disney, the company who’s worth billions, who was bankrolling the game that kept the studio afloat was already hard at work with a replacement game with another studio, and knew for a really long time when the game was…
official statement are carefully crafted with a lawyer. It’s never the truth, it’s just the “best” response to try and get out of trouble, wether you actually deserve to be in trouble or not.
Nintendo doing it’s Nintendo again.
So guys, I know it’s kind of already been said, but isn’t it time to have a good old bloody revolution.
Japan is the best at writing annoying character, it’s like in every game or anime they create this “jarJar” a character that either say and do annoying stuff or have an annoying voice. Most of the time he/she is supposed to be cute.
A little off subject but I just want to say shut the f*CK up to all characters in recent Layton games.
Finally a new megaman that doesn’t look like ass.
I think I would be a lot more okay with an article like this if you written first an article about “new games you would like to play on switch”
I can see into the future