
Do you have multiple accounts or just thought you’d butt in and talk for other people?

I guess people don’t get that you can’t criticize something for what it is today, and still be open for it to evolve into something else.

I don’t see why this is a bad thing? Thinking that asystem should get more new games than ports of previously released ones...

I don’t mind people disagreeing. I do mind people talking to me like they are a 6 year old though.

your reaction tells me I touched a sensitive issue here.

A month ago, after the Nintendo Switch presentation and all those announcements of ports, remasters, remakes and so on, I use to make the joke that the Switch is nothing more than a 300$ retro gaming console.

You didn’t understand. What I meant is that we used to have 3 saves to share with the whole family and friends. Now we each have one save.

I meant having your own save files separated from other people’s.

Well, I always named him Link anyway.

I thought this was already a known fact.

this is what happens when you take an idea way too fucking far

Humanity is doomed.

There was a major fuck up here, obviously.

I think the day one patch of mass effect is going to remove the whole animation team from the credits.

“Japan has like 0% immigration”

Oh yeah, I agree that the movie will probably be shit. It does nothing for me too.

“but a lot of people here seem hell-bent on retconning the original source material as some sort of post-racial utopia to justify their view of the Major being white”

Again, it’s fiction. You can rewrite stuff, keep others, the main actor being white doesn’t in any way stop the movie from including the stuff you say or tackling those subjects.

“It is near future of 2029", now yes. 2029 is in 12 years. But the original manga was written in 1991.

This is an american movie, made for the american market. This is not some kind of great piece of art. It’s a product that is being tailored to make money.