
Or the lyrics are noticeably more stupid than the music that accompanies it. The guitar is pretty. The lyrics are about beating that punk-ass Sancho.

I've never enjoyed the culture of Sublime, and completely agree that the culture exists primarily because of the singer's unfortunate death, but that said, I LIKE this song. I always have. The lyrics are completely pointless, the replays are enough to drive anyone crazy, but the guitar and melody is my kind of

Crowe snapping the chair and playing a game of 1 in 6.

I've been very proud lately that this comment thread has been getting lighter and lighter on flaming and tearing these people apart. I've written the odd mean thing or two on here in seasons past, thinking I was strictly talking to other fans. I didn't even consider that the queens would read these comments

Oliver, this:

Good time to ask:

Because that's what genius sounds like.

Alaska's scream is the hardest I've ever laughed in Drag Race. I said the same thing about her fuck me in the ass line last week.

I'm almost inclined to believe that she truly believed she was helping the two of them. That's her idea of rehabilitation. Being kind of a bitch.

"Why don't you come on up and fuck me in the ass some time" is the hardest I've ever laughed in the history of Drag Race-related everything, ever.

I think Ru goes in with handicaps with this sort of thing for certain queens, and judging by her absolutely losing her shit over Alyssa, I feel like one might have been in place. She was committed, zany, but goddamn, the girl just can't do clever. You have to do more than just quote lines to make the top three. You

Is Sean still safe? Because I enjoyed the shit out of Friendly Fire and his appearance in Michael Jackson's "Moonwalker."

They cover Wye Oak all the time (right down to having Wye Oak cover shit on video). This is for artists that get less coverage.

Spread the word! The NES video for DVP is just too good not to share.

I guess PUP is still a Canadian thing for the most part, but I seriously hope they start to get some American recognition soon. They're blowing shit apart up here.

The fact that she's older than other cast members is a reminder that she's the worst?

If you're only finding one negative comment on Ghostbusters…I mean, I don't want to tell you that you don't know how to internet or anything, but you're missing a good several million negative views from people who haven't seen the movie and object to its existence on an incredible level.

And to be fair, it's pretty enjoyable. I had a good time, anyway.

I met him four times. Three times as a kid, once as an adult.

The best sketch ever.