
Almost Live was fantastic for a local thing, and I absolutely loved Bill Nye as a kid. Which is why it broke my little heart to see that he was a total asshole in real life on several occasions. He's talented speaker, a gifted educator, and a very funny writer. He made me love science.

I'd dare say he was the best part of Parenthood.

She was more than a dress in her season, and leagues above the likes of Tyra Sanchez.

Considering she's been unfairly branded as a weak queen for the last year by a great many people who seemed to miss the latter half of Season 7, I hope they all swallow this shit whole. That was greatest look in Drag Race herstory, and Violet fucking rules.

I've fully turned around and become a fan. His storytelling on Kimmel was immaculate.

They landed on a hell of an episode. Best episode of the season.

Yeah, I'm with Oliver on this one. The Lorde thing was obviously Lucian word vomit. Lucian knew it and ran with it, ending the nonsense with the classic getaway vehicle of, "I'm just trying to help."

Does this show have a thing with only picking up torch-song kicky nostalgic throwback queens from Seattle, or is that just what the Seattle scene is all about?

TP super-duperfan right here. Sure, it's easy, and really just seeks to be a more polished version of Ocarina, but it has tone down to a perfection. The tone of the twilight realm, the tone of Hyrule Castle and its ghostly corridors at the end, the tone of pure action-hero ecstacy when fighting Stallord on a freakin'

God, what a world that'd be. Dano was fucking fantastic in Love and Mercy.

People laying the hate on Dogma just doesn't work for me. I'm not really a Kevin Smith fan, but Dogma was just a clever little beast.

And regarding the pander argument, I can't agree. He wrote it to honour his uncles to an audience that wasn't big at that point, merely local.

That chorus is Mary Lambert, a lesbian, singing about a girl.

Yeah, I've heard that a lot, but….how? He mentions that he thought he was gay as a kid for a little bit at the beginning, but the rest seems to just reinforce that it's not within his experience, and I think that's the smartest thing to do, lest the masses come after you for appearing to appropriate some kind of

It was great. It was so, so great. I loved it.

He was a real grump when he came to Vancouver this year (which also makes me ask…didn't we just finish this album tour?). He opened up the show by telling the audience to chill out and not jump up and down so much during the set. After a couple of songs, he basically flipped out and called everyone a douchebag for

I'm half-expecting the season finale to end with Nick Offerman in a bar, finishing his retelling of this crime saga to his drinking buddies, followed by them questioning his inclusion of UFOs at several climactic points of the story.

I think that's absolutely where it's going.

LOTR is so unbelievably awful (and was at the time, just ask the people who were there) that it's basically secretly amazing comedy. The Battle At Helms Deep in particular. It's just a bunch of people on horses in live action with a crummy red shadow filter and some splashes of weird colour. And they just stare at

And as one of those Canadian friends living here, I can't even tell you how celebratory drunk the whole country got last night.