
This is…stupid. This is really fucking stupid.

I can't even give you a good estimate of how many times I've listened to Goodbye Moonmen since watching that episode. It's the kind of joke that just grows, man, until it's suddenly the funniest fucking thing ever.

Why? I'm being totally serious. I've met him twice as a kid (once when he was involved with Almost Live and once with Bill Nye), once as an adult, and he was about the least-friendly guy I would have expected. Well, not the third time, because at that point it was expected.

Super nay. Anybody here met him? Because he's kind of an asshole. And not the kind of super-asshole you'd want to see in a full movie. Just kind of a jerk.

Tezuka, too. Only now, after the E3 goof-off session between the two of them, are people catching on to exactly what that guy made at Nintendo. Because he's freakin' incredible too.

Even if his presidential term had its bumpy moments, he was a hell of a coder and programmer. The games he helped to create at HAL formed so much of my childhood experience.

Quistis was in the best FF game.

Nothing beats that debut. That debut was spectacular.

I post plenty enough. Been posting for years. Mostly read and enjoy.

I don't know what to say…

I'm absolutely shocked at the level of tabloid-style reactions on this board. It's fucking disturbing.

Why does the fact that he's fat bother you? Do you hate fat people?

If I were to have a passion film project, it would be to do a retelling of a year in Saturday Night Live's world. However, I wouldn't go for the original cast or founding of the show, or anything more recent. I would write about the 1980 season, arguably the worst and most dramatically fucked-up in the show's history.

This was the year when I really discovered music, for really stupid reasons. I really wanted to see Batman Forever and was completely obsessed with that U2 video, so I'd watch Muchmusic every day in hopes of seeing it. In the process, fell hard into Coolio, Alanis Morrisette, I Mother Earth, Red Hot Chili Peppers and

Shit, you're totally right. I had that wrong for all these years.

For that matter, I'll throw weirdo props to "Only a Northern Song." It was Animal Collective absurdity forty years before it would ever resurface. That's Harrison magic, right there. Just fucking nuts.

It was on a critically panned little album with the likes of one of the worst Beatles songs ever recorded (All Together Now)…and that really sucks, because it is hands-down, my all-time favourite Beatles cut. Just pure joy, pure rock and roll, pure chaos, and the purest John Lennon sentiment.

*sigh* Check the Drag Race Facebook page again.

But you have to consider how those mentions work: You make a mention in Facebook, it gets likes. Those likes do not add up to that particular count. Look at the official Rupaul page and just look, take an estimated count, and tell me Pearl was even close to first place.

Raja had a killer ensemble the same finale. Throw in Sharon's Peewee shit, and that was a finale to die for.