
Jayhawks, Blur and Radiohead all combined to form nothing but sunny memories about 1997. They were like blinders for me. I literally had no idea what else was going on with music at the time.

The seventh episode is legit great.

It's definitely not as batshit surreal as it once was, but damn if it doesn't pick right up in the last couple of episodes.

I think it's as simple as putting his penis where Andrew's mouth is.


It's an A for me. This is everything that worked about Orange is the New Black in its early days, but with a much more compelling lead in Brie and Marc Maron seemingly playing a version of himself from some years back. I'm so, so in for this.

Anybody else see the VHS copy of Milk Money on the table in a couple of shots? I love those kinds of insignificant details to reinforce that these guys have no taste in anything.

Great film. Too big for the Academy.

Anyone read William Goldman's takedown of Ryan? Sublime.

….I liked Shakespeare in Love more than Saving Private Ryan by a lot…it totally deserved Best Picture…

I think the difference lies in shit like Maher saying, "That's not unreasonable," to Milo's garbage about how trans people in bathrooms are sex criminals. I'm used to Bill allowing batshit on the show, but as soon as he agreed with that, fuck him too.

Yep, it was derivative and relied almost entirely on nostalgia and a formula. Total member berry.

I'm glad I googled that! Great word!

What happened with Courtney and Ru? Is it like the Willam thing?

And yet…I can deal. Alaska killed it all season, made me laugh the hardest, and really cemented that whole "genius" thing, even if it came with a sidecar of "occasional petulant child."

That was such team fuckery that I'm entirely switching allegiances to #teamkatya.

…why are you here?

Agree with all but the Roxxxy thing. I don't think she's close to awful. Granted, she's perhaps not up to the tier in terms of all around entertainment, but there will always be certain aspects of drag that Roxxxy can pull off head and shoulders above the rest.

Mea culpa.

Wait a second friend, I believe I stated that I "liked" the song.