
We can presume Billy Riggins from the web short and his long-lost twin who got drunk at the wedding both get shot down by her at some point.

"All right honey, if that's what you want, let's do it. Let's build a hospital."
"Let's build a hospital!"

It's fucking embarrassing how much I played Screaming Infidelities as a teenager. Fucking embarrassing, man.

I like Sophia. I liked the Virgin Suicides for all its youth, I loved Lost in Translation for all its middle-age, I liked Marie Antoinette for all its pink glitter and New Order.

Question for ya, because I'm out of the loop: What's Piecat?

I also live in Japan, and I'm going to give it the mandatory three-months-before-that-thing-that-is-popular-in-North-America-is-worshipped-by-Japanese-junior-high-students rule and call 'Fancy' the song of the Fall. Cheers to falling leaves, flowing sake, and fast lanes from L.A. to Tokyo.

Hey, there's another thing we agree musically on. Nifty, neighbour.

I think the idea was to contrast everything from his big stand-up speech and the bus sequence that followed to show that his character, while talking the talk, isn't above it all, and as a man, is capable of doing awful, awful things despite his good intentions.

Props to one of the best final lines in a character's history: "Bravo."

@disqus_gxVFRrks2y:disqus Apparently she felt bad. Issued an apology, made an apology video.

Adore's a superstar in the making. The possibilities are endless.

I was one of those weirdo Laganja apologists who actually had faith that there was a real person underneath the contrived, utter nonsense.

Good god, Alaska is going to just destroy at the next All-Stars.

It's the most boring denouement to a season since 3.

I don't care if more deserving queens inhabit the same space, or if time will show a much stronger queen with some polish and practice, because I would still pay top dollar to see a Drag Race tour show starring someone that charming and ridiculous.

I'm actually really pleased that no one came on here to scream 'THE BITCH IS GONE!' in the top comments. Aside from a few awkward snipes, there wasn't a whole lot of villain in Darienne's actual character.

"This is the perfect opportunity to let my hair down and be messy and be silly, and not be that perfect, polished Courtney."

There is no villain this season.

What did Darienne do that was so horrible?

Ben's lipsync sucked. Makes sense to me.