
But how much better would a wedding ending be, really? Isn't that falling into the same sitcom trap?

I would watch those shows.

I actually thought it was in address to the increase in viewership from straight couples. I know a lot of girls that dragged their boyfriends into it, and now it's like this adorable weekly ritual for them.

Darienne: Everybody's being nice because you're chubby, and that makes it harder to criticize your wardrobe, but I eat chubby men for breakfast, so here it is: Your wardrobe sucks and you don't know how to dress for anything, ever. You look like Wal-Mart all the fucking time.

I can't think of a queen that made a bigger or more fucked up following in four episodes or less than Tammie Brown.

I could give a fuck about style when she's giving me gems like "We're going to box each other!"

To be fair to Laganja (as weird as that sounds), she had just been basically tortured in the back room. The fact that there was some sort of demented semblance of positivity in an otherwise awkward exit after being snapped in half (and she was…much as I hated Laganja, she was…) is pretty forgivable.

I think there's a distinct generational divide on this. Most of my trans friends are of a certain age (old) where, for many if not most, these words were such common vernacular after being reclaimed and spun into powerful identifiers, and what few drag queen friends I have seem to echo that sentiment. I always


Go Team Nina.


I threw up in my mouth a little at the concept of 'Spam Mousse.'

Team Shirley.

Oh god, I just noticed that.

Roy Choi is just a wiener.

He seems like a nice guy, and occasionally gets a laugh out of me. I don't see him as a superior chef to the others, but I don't mind him at all. He seems pretty sure he's going down soon, anyhow.

Stephanie seemed okay with this one. I know she's stewing inside over the injustice of the main show, but when it comes to losing to a superior dish, girl can take that in stride.

Oh, I get it…you get downvoted for merely mentioning downvotes now.