Max C0ntrarian

I’m a pathetic douche who stars my own comments as well!

In Dutch, Van Der Heyden means “tiny deformed penis”

Hiot Take: Van Der Heyden in Dutch means “tiny deformed penis”.

Your idiot murder toys should be melted into scrap and the 2nd amendment is fit for nothing more than toilet paper.

What is really mind boggling is that the GOP still believes trickle down economics and that a man who declared four bankruptcies when it was harder to go bankrupt and couldn’t get a loan from American banks is the correct person to lead our country and thus the economy.  But go ahead and keep defending the lying pussy

if you had ACTUAL morals, you wouldn’t have children. Human beings are a parasitic bioweapon that is destroying the earth. We are not the cure. We are the disease.

Hey did you know that ‘Van Der Heyden’ is Dutch for ‘Shut the fuck up tomato you moron’?

Man, this is such a pitiful attempt at deflecting, and imagined “sowing of discord.” Jesus Christ on a vintage pogo stick, it even brings up Clinton, from three years ago.

Gee, everything is so simple when you just ignore everything that makes it complicated!

As always, shut the fuck up Tomato.

  You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

 Dismiss pete, it's just a racist pissbaby troll. 

Kevin, I respect you and you’re probably my favorite contributor across all of GMG, including your video appearances.

Shut the fuck up, tomato.

Jan: It’s your turn to bring snacks to the Proud Boys-Incel meeting tonight. And don’t bring anything salty. I still have an open sore on my wee-wee from the circle jerk we had last meeting. 

Shut up, tomato.

No matter how horrible the crime is, it doesn’t change the fact that we’re relying on the Criminal Justice system to determine guilt, and they don’t have a good history. I don’t want to give the power of life and death. Not even if they tell me “no, trust us, this guy did something really really really bad. trust us,