And the only picture they use is of a Virgin Atlantic airliner? How lazy is Jalopnik these days? Oh how the mighty have fallen.
And the only picture they use is of a Virgin Atlantic airliner? How lazy is Jalopnik these days? Oh how the mighty have fallen.
As a comparison, my Scion iQ would reliably get 40-44 mpg, right up to about 65 mph. Once you hit 70-75, I was dropping down to the mid-30s. And a damn bit squirrely at those speeds!!
That Mazda at $5500? Only if they through in what the seller is smokin!
Seriously, that Civic? There are at least 4 colors on that car, the interior is GONE and the front bumper looks like it has mold. CP!!
The Jolly
$800+ for 3 years at 0%, am I pushing up the average?
Yes! That’s the specific model I was thinking of!
What, no Domino’s DXP with the pizza oven door?
Kids these days. None of you ever had a Nash, from Metropolitan to Rambler, fold down seats FTW.
This article sucks from the beginning. Hey, let’s show an inconsiderate asshole with 2 feet of snow on the roof of his car as the lede image.
Louisiana still has a Democrat Governor, who could have vetoed the bill. He did not. This sort of thing is low-hanging fruit for the far right, they can parrot back the left’s line “Won’t somebody think of the children” without any serious blowback from, well, anyone. Meh.
Exactly! It was crazy dangerous in my tiny iQ, the Maverick now has enough power to deal with these problems.
I-81 in Virginia is just as bad as I-95.
WTF Collin, you can’t even find a picture of a Maverick Hybrid? (Apologies if he’s been called out in the comments already, kinja sucks)
Oy! That’s not going anywhere, mate!
David Tracy’s ears are burning...
Bah. The definitive version was recorded by Gene Wilder and Peter Boyle!
Yeah, I considered 4 of those vehicles over the years. I would have expected the original-body Ridgeline to be on this list, too, seeing as I actually bought that one. :p
Just over $800 per month, but it’s at 0% for 48 months.